Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution
På dette kursus lærer du at designe, udvikle og implementere AI-løsninger ved hjælp af Microsoft Azure AI Services. Du får en dyb forståelse af centrale AI-teknologier såsom computer vision, natural language processing (NLP), knowledge mining og generative AI, samt hvordan disse teknologier kan anvendes i enterprise-applikationer.
Kurset giver dig hands-on erfaring med at bruge Azure AI Services til at analysere og bearbejde tekst, billeder og tale samt udvikle intelligente chatbots og search solutions. Du lærer at arbejde med Azure AI Vision til at bygge computer vision solutions, der kan analysere og forstå billeder og videoer. Du bliver også fortrolig med Azure AI Search, som gør det muligt at udvikle avancerede search solutions til knowledge mining.
Derudover lærer du at bruge Azure AI Document Intelligence til at analysere og strukturere data fra dokumenter og formularer, så du kan automatisere arbejdsprocesser og forbedre dataindsamling. Endelig vil du arbejde med Azure OpenAI Service til at implementere generative AI-løsninger, der kan forstå, generere og forbedre indhold ved hjælp af avancerede language models som GPT.
Efter kurset vil du være i stand til at:
- Designe, udvikle og implementere AI-løsninger med Azure AI Services
- Arbejde med computer vision solutions ved hjælp af Azure AI Vision
- Udvikle search solutions med Azure AI Search til knowledge mining
- Implementere AI Document Intelligence solutions til dataekstraktion og automatisering
- Udvikle AI-drevne chatbots og speech-enabled applications
- Implementere generative AI-løsninger med Azure OpenAI Service
- Overvåge, sikre og optimere AI-modeller til produktionsbrug
- Modul 1Get started with Azure AI Services
Azure AI Services is a collection of services that are building blocks of AI functionality you can integrate into your applications. In this learning path, you'll learn how to provision, secure, monitor, and deploy Azure AI Services resources and use them to build intelligent solutions.
- Prepare to develop AI solutions on Azure
- Create and consume Azure AI services
- Secure Azure AI services
- Monitor Azure AI services
- Deploy Azure AI services in containers
- Use AI responsibly with Azure AI Content Safety
- Modul 2Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision
Computer vision is an area of artificial intelligence that deals with visual perception. Azure AI Vision includes multiple services that support common computer vision scenarios.
- Analyze images
- Classify images
- Detect objects in images
- Detect, analyze, and recognize faces
- Read Text in images and documents with the Azure AI Vision Service
- Analyze video
- Modul 3Develop natural language processing solutions with Azure AI Services
Natural language processing (NLP) solutions use language models to interpret the semantic meaning of written or spoken language. You can use the Language Understanding service to build language models for your applications.
- Analyze text with Azure AI Language
- Create question answering solutions with Azure AI Language
- Build a conversational language understanding model
- Create a custom text classification solution
- Custom named entity recognition
- Translate text with Azure AI Translator service
- Create speech-enabled apps with Azure AI services
- Translate speech with the Azure AI Speech service
- Modul 4Implement knowledge mining with Azure AI Search
Do you have information locked up in structured and unstructured data sources? Using Azure AI Search, you can extract key insights from this data, and enable applications to search and analyze them.
- Create an Azure AI Search solution
- Create a custom skill for Azure AI Search
- Create a knowledge store with Azure AI Search
- Implement advanced search features in Azure AI Search
- Search data outside the Azure platform in Azure AI Search using Azure Data Factory
- Maintain an Azure AI Search solution
- Perform search reranking with semantic ranking in Azure AI Search
- Perform vector search and retrieval in Azure AI Search
- Modul 5Develop solutions with Azure AI Document Intelligence
In this learning path, discover how Azure AI Document Intelligence solutions can enable you to capture data from typed or hand-written forms. Learn how to build a solution for your custom form types and integrate that solution into an Azure Cognitive Search pipeline. You'll learn how to:Design a solution that analyzes your business forms by using Azure AI Document Intelligence.Create a solution that analyzes common documents by using Document Intelligence.Create a solution that analyses different custom form types by using Document Intelligence.Include an Azure AI Document Intelligence service as a custom skill in an Azure AI Search pipeline.
- Plan an Azure AI Document Intelligence solution
- Use prebuilt Document intelligence models
- Extract data from forms with Azure Document intelligence
- Create a composed Document intelligence model
- Modul 6Develop Generative AI solutions with Azure OpenAI Service
Azure OpenAI Service provides access to OpenAI's powerful large language models such as GPT and Embeddings models. These models enable various natural language processing (NLP) solutions to understand, converse, and generate content. Users can access the service through REST APIs, SDKs, and Azure AI Foundry.
- Develop applications with Azure OpenAI Service
- Implement Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Azure OpenAI Service
- Generate images with Azure OpenAI Service
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