Automating Administration with PowerShell
Måske har du snust til PowerShell og kørt nogle scripts du har fundet på nettet, men nu vil du gerne videre med sproget og lære at stå på egne ben.
- Hvad er PowerShell, hvad kan jeg bruge det til, og hvordan kommer jeg ordentligt i gang?
- Hvad er forskellen på Windows PowerShell og PowerShell 7?
- Hvilke cmdlets og moduler skal jeg anvende og hvordan?
- Hvordan anvender jeg PowerShell til Azure, Azure AD og Microsoft 365?
- Hvordan anvendes remoting bedst?
Disse spørgsmål og meget mere får du svaret på i dette kursus i PowerShell.
Kurset er begrebsfokuseret med vægten lagt på syntaksen og tankegangen i PowerShell, og via konkrete kodeeksempler demonstrerer vi teorien. Hvert modul har tilhørende opgaver, så du får hands-on erfaring, og prøver de ting af du har lært.
Vi anvender konsollen til ad hoc scripting og ISE/Visual Studio Code som editor til længere scripts. Desuden arbejder vi med variable og funktioner, og vi ser hvordan man kan lave sit eget modul.
Alle Microsoft platforme kan i korte træk styres og administreres i Windows PowerShell. Derfor er scriptsproget bredt anvendt både inden for Azure og on-premise.
På kurset går vi i dybden med PSDrives, der anvendes mange steder til at udstille objekter, som man nemt kan navigere i. On-premise giver det f.eks. adgang til Windows Registry og IIS - i skyen findes alle Azure ressourcer i et PSDrive.
Du introduceres derudover til PowerShells CIM cmdlets, som er en erstatning af de gamle WMI-forespørgsler og er nyttige til at indhente systeminformation og konfigurere indstillinger, som ikke er tilgængelige direkte via PowerShell.
Vi bruger også meget tid på Remoting, som er en helt central del af PowerShell til fjernadministration af servere og desktop maskiner. Windows PowerShell anvender winRM, imens PowerShell 7 også tilbyder SSH. Længerevarende scripts kan køres ad hoc som et job, eller de kan knyttes til et baggrundsjob og eksekveres efter en fast tidsplan f.eks. hver nat.
Vi øver os i at oprette og administrere ressourcer, f.eks. en virtuel maskine i Azure der elegant kan oprettes via Az-modulet til PowerShell i cloud shell. Azure AD brugere og grupper er helt centrale for alle Microsoft 365 tjenesterne såsom Teams, SharePoint og Exchange. Microsoft Graph modulet tilbyder en del cmdlets, men man kan stadig have brug for funktionalitet fra de gamle moduler.
- Modul 1Get started with Windows PowerShell
This learning path introduces you to Windows PowerShell and provides an overview of the product’s functionality. It explains how to open and configure Windows PowerShell, run commands, and use its built-in Help system.
- Review Windows PowerShell
- Understand the command syntax in Windows PowerShell
- Find commands and Get-Help in Windows PowerShell
- Modul 2Maintain system administration tasks in Windows PowerShell
This learning path covers cmdlets that are commonly used for system administration tasks related to Active Directory, network configuration, server administration, and Windows 10 device administration.
- Manage Active Directory Domain Services using PowerShell cmdlets
- Manage network service settings for Windows devices using PowerShell cmdlets
- Manage Windows Server settings using PowerShell cmdlets
- Manage settings for a local Windows machine using PowerShell cmdlets
- Modul 3Work with the Windows PowerShell pipeline
This learning path explains the purpose and use of the PowerShell pipeline and use the pipeline to sort, filter, enumerate and display output data for PowerShell cmdlets. It also explains how to pass pipeline objects.
- Understand the Windows PowerShell pipeline
- Select, sort, and measure objects using the pipeline
- Filter objects out of the pipeline
- Enumerate objects in the pipeline
- Send and pass data as output from the pipeline
- Pass pipeline objects
- Modul 4Work with PowerShell providers and PowerShell drives in Windows PowerShell
This learning path explains two technologies: PowerShell providers and PowerShell drives, which let you work with many forms of storage by using the commands and techniques that you use to manage the file system.
- Connect with data stores using PowerShell providers
- Use PowerShell drives in PowerShell
- Modul 5Query management information by using Common Information Model and Windows Management Instrumentation
This learning path covers Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Common Information Model (CIM). These technologies help to access information about a computer. Additionally, both technologies provide local and remote access to management information from the operating system, computer hardware, and installed software.
- Review CIM and WMI
- Query configuration information by using CIM and WMI
- Query and manipulate repository objects by using CIM and WMI methods
- Modul 6Use variables, arrays, and hash tables in Windows PowerShell scripts
This learning path explains how to work with variables, arrays, and hash tables in Windows PowerShell scripts.
- Manage variables in Windows PowerShell scripts
- Work with arrays and hash tables in Windows PowerShell scripts
- Modul 7Create and modify scripts by using Windows PowerShell
This learning path explains how to create and modify scripts. It covers useful scripting techniques that include importing data from a file, accepting user input, and error handling.
- Create and run scripts by using Windows PowerShell
- Work with scripting constructs in Windows PowerShell
- Import data in different formats for use in scripts by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets
- Use methods to accept user inputs in Windows PowerShell scripts
- Troubleshoot scripts and handle errors in Windows PowerShell
- Use functions and modules in Windows PowerShell scripts
- Modul 8Administer remote computers by using Windows PowerShell
This learning path covers remoting mainly in its default configuration, using HTTP on port 5985. It describes how to configure remoting to allow for—or require—encryption based on Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
- Manage single and multiple computers by using Windows PowerShell remoting
- Use advanced Windows PowerShell remoting techniques
- Manage persistent connections to remote computers by using Windows PowerShell sessions
- Modul 9Manage cloud resources by using Windows PowerShell
This learning path explains how to install the necessary modules for cloud services management and use PowerShell commands to perform simple administrative tasks on cloud resources such as Azure virtual machines, Azure storage accounts, and Azure subscriptions. The learning path also covers how to use the Azure Cloud Shell environment to perform PowerShell-based or Bash-based administration directly from the Azure portal.
- Review Azure PowerShell module
- Review the features and tools for Azure Cloud Shell
- Manage Azure resources with Windows PowerShell
- Modul 10Manage Microsoft 365 services by using Windows PowerShell
This learning path explains how to efficiently manage the most commonly used services in Microsoft 365, such as Microsoft Entra ID, Microsoft Exchange Online, Microsoft SharePoint Online, and Microsoft Teams.
- Manage users, groups, and licenses in Microsoft Entra ID by using Windows PowerShell
- Manage Exchange Online by using Windows PowerShell
- Manage SharePoint Online by using Windows PowerShell
- Manage Microsoft Teams by using Windows PowerShell
- Modul 11Create and manage background jobs and scheduled jobs in Windows PowerShell
This learning path explains the jobs feature of Windows PowerShell. Jobs are an extension point in Windows PowerShell, and there are several types of jobs. Each type works slightly differently and has distinct capabilities.
- Create and manage background jobs using Windows PowerShell
- Create and manage scheduled jobs using Windows PowerShell
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