Microsoft Azure Administrator
Du lærer at styre Azure-abonnementer, sikre identiteter, administrere infrastruktur, konfigurerer virtuelle netværk samt forbinde Azure og lokale websteder. Samtidig får du viden og erfaring med at administrere netværkstrafik, implementere opbevaringsløsninger, oprette og skalere virtuelle maskiner. Du lærer også at implementere webapps, containere og sikkerhedskopier, dele data og overvåge din løsning.
Azure-administratorer administrerer cloud-tjenester, der spænder over lagring, netværk og beregning af cloud-muligheder med en dyb forståelse af hver service på tværs af hele IT-livscyklussen. De tager slutbrugeranmodninger om nye cloud-applikationer og laver anbefalinger til tjenester, der skal bruges til optimal ydeevne og skala, samt levering, størrelse, overvågning og justering efter behov.
Denne rolle kræver kommunikation og koordinering med leverandører. Azure-administratorer bruger Azure-portalen, og når de bliver dygtigere, bruger de derudover PowerShell og kommandolinjegrænsefladen.
Da en organisation sjældent har kapacitet til at flytte alle sine løsninger i cloud med det samme, kommer man i systemadministratorrollen til at sidde som en slags mellemmand med on-premises løsninger på den ene side og Azure på den anden. Denne rolle skal man kunne påtage sig ved transitionen fra on-premise til Azure, og det forsøger kurset at gøre deltageren klar til.
Azure muliggør dynamisk skalerbare og fleksible IT-løsninger. Men med implementeringen af Azure løsninger følger, at man kun ’betaler for det man får’. På dette kursus får du derfor en forståelse for de overvejelser, man skal gøre sig ved brug af Azure Services, bl.a. med hensyn til økonomiske omkostninger samt opgave- og ansvarsfordeling.
Kurset giver virkelighedsnær praktisk erfaring og viden, der er relevant i en systemadministrators daglige drift af Azure løsninger.
- Modul 1Prerequisites for Azure administrators
Learn the basic Azure concepts you need to know as an Azure administrator.
- Use Azure Resource Manager
- Introduction to Azure Cloud Shell
- Introduction to Bash
- Introduction to PowerShell
- Configure resources with Azure Resource Manager templates
- Modul 2Manage identities and governance in Azure
Learn how to manage Azure Active Directory objects, role-based access control (RBAC), subscriptions, and governance in Azure.
- Understand Microsoft Entra ID
- Configure user and group accounts
- Configure subscriptions
- Configure Azure Policy
- Configure role-based access control
- Create Azure users and groups in Microsoft Entra ID
- Secure your Azure resources with Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC)
- Allow users to reset their password with Microsoft Entra self-service password reset
- Modul 3Configure and manage virtual networks for Azure administrators
Learn how to configure and manage Azure network capabilities like connectivity services, application protection, application delivery, and network monitoring services.
- Configure virtual networks
- Configure network security groups
- Configure Azure Virtual Network peering
- Configure network routing and endpoints
- Configure Azure Load Balancer
- Configure Azure Application Gateway
- Design an IP addressing schema for your Azure deployment
- Distribute your services across Azure virtual networks and integrate them by using virtual network peering
- Host your domain on Azure DNS
- Manage and control traffic flow in your Azure deployment with routes
- Improve application scalability and resiliency by using Azure Load Balancer
- Modul 4Implement and manage storage in Azure
Learn how to manage storage accounts, data in Azure Storage, and Azure File and Blob storage.
- Configure storage accounts
- Configure Azure Blob Storage
- Configure Azure Storage security
- Configure Azure Files and Azure File Sync
- Create an Azure Storage account
- Control access to Azure Storage with shared access signatures
- Upload, download, and manage data with Azure Storage Explorer
- Modul 5Deploy and manage Azure compute resources
Learn how to deploy and configure virtual machines, containers, and Web Apps in Azure.
- Configure virtual machines
- Configure virtual machine availability
- Configure Azure App Service plans
- Configure Azure App Service
- Configure Azure Container Instances
- Manage virtual machines with the Azure CLI
- Create a Windows virtual machine in Azure
- Host a web application with Azure App Service
- Modul 6Monitor and back up Azure resources
Learn how to monitor resources by using Azure Monitor and implement backup and recover in Azure.
- Introduction to Azure Backup
- Configure virtual machine backups
- Configure Azure Monitor
- Configure Log Analytics
- Configure Network Watcher
- Improve incident response with Azure Monitor alerts
- Analyze your Azure infrastructure by using Azure Monitor logs
- Monitor your Azure virtual machines with Azure Monitor
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