Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions
Kurset gennemgår kombinationsmuligheder af de elementer og ”byggeklodser”, som Azure implementeringer kan bestå af, og samtidig gennemgår vi indbyggede services i Azure til at sikre overvågningen af IT-drift i en organisation. Høj IT-sikkerhed starter ved et godt design og en solid cloudarkitektur!
Centrale emner på kurset er governance, compute, application architecture, storage, data integration, authentication, networks, business continuity og migrations.
Kurset er en kombination af instruktørstyret undervisning og praktiske caseøvelser, som sikrer at du får kompetencer og kendskab til centrale principper og best practices inden for clouddesign og -arkitektur i Azure.
Du får også erfaring med at designe og evaluere på forskellige løsninger, så du dermed er klædt på til at vurdere hvilke løsninger, der er mest formålstjenlige ud fra nogle givne kriterier og begrænsninger i en organisation. Den erfarne Azure Solutions Architect har desuden supplerende viden inden for administration, udvikling og DevOps i Azure-miljøer.
- Modul 1AZ-305 Microsoft Azure Architect Design Prerequisites
Learn the basic Azure concepts you'll need to know as an Azure infrastructure architect. This path gives you the knowledge to be successful as you begin studying for AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions.
- Describe the core architectural components of Azure
- Describe Azure compute and networking services
- Describe Azure storage services
- Describe Azure identity, access, and security
- Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure
- Introduction to the Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework
- Modul 2Design identity, governance, and monitor solutions
Design identity, governance, and monitor solutions including authentication.
- Design governance
- Design authentication and authorization solutions
- Design a solution to log and monitor Azure resources
- Modul 3Design business continuity solutions
Design business continuity solutions including high availability, backup, and disaster recovery.
- Describe high availability and disaster recovery strategies
- Design a solution for backup and disaster recovery
- Modul 4Design data storage solutions
Design data storage solutions including non-relational storage, relational storage, and data integration.
- Design a data storage solution for non-relational data
- Design a data storage solution for relational data
- Design data integration
- Modul 5Design infrastructure solutions
Design Infrastructure Solutions including compute, applications, networking and migrations.
- Design an Azure compute solution
- Design an application architecture
- Design network solutions
- Design migrations
- Modul 6Build great solutions with the Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework
Learn how to design and build secure, scalable, high-performing solutions in Azure using the pillars of the Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework.
- Introduction to the Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework
- Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework - Cost Optimization
- Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework - Operational excellence
- Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework - Performance efficiency
- Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework - Reliability
- Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework - Security
- Modul 7Accelerate cloud adoption with the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure
Do you need a clear path forward for your cloud journey? This learning path includes best practice guidance to help you create a cloud strategy, define a cloud adoption plan, prepare your cloud environment with proper governance, and implement cloud operations in alignment with your organizational needs. Cloud architects and IT professionals will learn and engage with the proven best practices, tools, and documentation in the Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure to build the technical knowledge needed to help your organization successfully adopt the cloud and meet business goals.For additional learning on how to manage organizational alignment, take this learning module:Use the Cloud Adoption Framework to manage organizational alignment.
- Getting started with the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure
- Prepare for successful cloud adoption with a well-defined strategy
- Prepare for cloud adoption with a data-driven plan
- Choose the best Azure landing zone to support your requirements for cloud operations
- Use the Cloud Adoption Framework Migrate methodology to migrate your workload to the cloud
- Address tangible risks with the Govern methodology of the Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure
- Ensure stable operations and optimization across all supported workloads deployed to the cloud
- Innovate applications by using Azure cloud technologies
- Prepare for cloud security by using the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure
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