Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (ENWLSD)
Dette kursus giver dig viden og færdigheder til at designe trådløse Cisco netværk. Kurser dækker hele livscyklussen af designet og planlægningen af et trådløst Enterprise netværk. Kurset dækker derved designprocessen lige fra koncept designs, til installation og helt frem til post-deployment sikring og vedligeholdelse.
Du lærer at beskrive og implementere Cisco design-metodikker, og du får erfaring med branchestandarder, certifikater og RFC'er (Requests For Comments) i praksis. Kurset dækker desuden implementeringen af Cisco's avancerede trådløse funktioner, trådløse designprocesser, samt specifikke designs for forskellige brancher. Deltagerne vil også blive introduceret til processerne bag gennemførelse af stedsspecifikke undersøgelser og netværksvalidering, for at sikre effektiv og optimal netværksperformance.
Kurset leder til en CCNP® Enterprise certificering og bygger videre på det stof, som gennemgås på CI-401 ENCOR, hvilket også er et obligatorisk kursus/exam for at opnå CCNP® Enterprise certificering.
- Modul 1Describing and Implementing a Structured Wireless Design Methodology
Importance of Planning Wireless Design with a Structured Methodology
Cisco Structured Design Model
Cisco Design Guides and Cisco Validated Designs for Wireless Networks
Role of the Project Manager When Designing Wireless Networks
- Modul 2Describing and Implementing Industry Protocols and Standards
Wireless Standards Bodies
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11 Standard and Amendments
Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) Certifications
Relevant Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Wireless RFCs
Practice Activity
- Modul 3Describing and Implementing Cisco Enhanced Wireless Features
Hardware and Software Choices for a Wireless Network Design
Cisco Infrastructure Settings for Wireless Network Design
Cisco Enhanced Wireless Features
- Modul 4Examining Cisco Mobility and Roaming
Mobility and Intercontroller Mobility in a Wireless Network
Optimize Client Roaming in a Wireless Network
Cisco Workgroup Bridge (WGB) and WGB Roaming in a Wireless Network
- Modul 5Describing and Implementing the Wireless Design Process
Overview of Wireless Design Process
Meet with the Customer to Discuss the Wireless Network Design
Customer Information Gathering for a Wireless Network Design
Design the Wireless Network
Deployment of the Wireless Network
Validation and Final Adjustments of the Wireless Network
Wireless Network Design Project Documents and Deliverables
- Modul 6Describing and Implementing Specific Vertical Designs
Designs for Wireless Applications
Wireless Network Design Within the Campus
Extend Wireless Networks to the Branch Sites
Examining Special Considerations in Advanced Wireless Designs
High-Density Designs in Wireless Networks
Introducing Location and Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (CMX) Concepts
Design for Location
FastLocate and HyperLocation
Bridges and Mesh in a Wireless Network Design
Redundancy and High Availability in a Wireless Network
- Modul 7Describing and Implementing the Site Survey Processes
Site Survey Types
Special Arrangements Needed for Site Surveys
Safety Aspects to be Considered During Site Surveys
Site Survey Tools in Cisco Prime Infrastructure
Third-Party Site Survey Software and Hardware Tools
- Modul 8Describing and Implementing Wireless Network Validation Processes
Post-installation Wireless Network Validation
Making Post-installation Changes to a Wireless Network
Wireless Network Handoff to the Customer
Installation Report
- Modul 9Labs
Use Cisco Prime Infrastructure as a Design Tool
Create a Predictive Site Survey with Ekahau Pro
Perform a Live Site Survey Using Access Point on a Stick (APoS)
Simulate a Post-installation Network Validation Survey
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