Implementing Secure Solutions with Virtual Private Networks (SVPN)
Dette kursus giver dig viden og færdigheder til at implementere, konfigurere, monitorere og supportere enterprise VPN løsninger. Igennem en kombination af instruktørundervisning og hands-on øvelser lærer du at deploye og fejlsøge indenfor IP Security (IPsec), Dynamic Multipoint Virtual Private Network (DMVPN), FlexVPN.
Ydermere indføres du i remote access VPN for at kunne sikre og kryptere data.
Kurset leder til en CCNP® Security certificering og bygger videre på det stof, som gennemgås på CI-701 SCOR, hvilket er et obligatorisk kursus/exam for at opnå CCNP® Security certificering.
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Introducing VPN Technology Fundamentals
Implementing Site-to-Site VPN Solutions
Implementing Cisco Internetwork Operating System (Cisco IOS®) Site-to-Site FlexVPN Solutions
Implement Cisco IOS Group Encrypted Transport (GET) VPN Solutions
Implementing Cisco AnyConnect VPNs
Implementing Clientless VPNs
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Explore IPsec Technologies
Implement and Verify Cisco IOS Point-to-Point VPN
Implement and Verify Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Point-to-Point VPN
Implement and Verify Cisco IOS Virtual Tunnel Interface (VTI) VPN
Implement and Verify Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN)
Troubleshoot DMVPN
Implement and Verify FlexVPN with Smart Defaults
Implement and Verify Point-to-Point FlexVPN
Implement and Verify Hub and Spoke FlexVPN
Implement and Verify Spoke-to-Spoke FlexVPN
Troubleshoot Cisco IOS FlexVPN
Implement and Verify AnyConnect Transport Layer Security (TLS) VPN on ASA
Implement and Verify Advanced Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) on Cisco AnyConnect VPN
Implement and Verify Clientless VPN on ASA
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