Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure
Dette kursus giver dig hands-on erfaring med at udvikle og operationalisere machine learning-løsninger i Azure Machine Learning.
Du lærer at opsætte et Azure ML workspace, forberede data, træne og evaluere modeller samt optimere dem med hyperparameter tuning og Automated Machine Learning (AutoML). Derudover får du indsigt i, hvordan du deployer modeller til Azure ML Endpoints, overvåger performance og anvender MLOps til at sikre en driftssikker og skalerbar løsning.
Kurset dækker også principper for Responsible AI, herunder bias detection og model explainability, så du kan udvikle gennemsigtige og etisk ansvarlige AI-løsninger.
- Modul 1Explore and configure the Azure Machine Learning workspace
Throughout this learning path you explore and configure the Azure Machine Learning workspace. Learn how you can create a workspace and what you can do with it. Explore the various developer tools you can use to interact with the workspace. Configure the workspace for machine learning workloads by creating data assets and compute resources.
- Explore Azure Machine Learning workspace resources and assets
- Explore developer tools for workspace interaction
- Make data available in Azure Machine Learning
- Work with compute targets in Azure Machine Learning
- Work with environments in Azure Machine Learning
- Modul 2Experiment with Azure Machine Learning
Learn how to find the best model with automated machine learning (AutoML) and by experimenting in notebooks.
- Find the best classification model with Automated Machine Learning
- Track model training in Jupyter notebooks with MLflow
- Modul 3Optimize model training with Azure Machine Learning
Learn how to optimize model training in Azure Machine Learning by using scripts, jobs, components and pipelines.
- Run a training script as a command job in Azure Machine Learning
- Track model training with MLflow in jobs
- Perform hyperparameter tuning with Azure Machine Learning
- Run pipelines in Azure Machine Learning
- Modul 4Manage and review models in Azure Machine Learning
Learn how to manage and review models in Azure Machine Learning by using MLflow to store your model files and using responsible AI features to evaluate your models.
- Register an MLflow model in Azure Machine Learning
- Create and explore the Responsible AI dashboard for a model in Azure Machine Learning
- Modul 5Deploy and consume models with Azure Machine Learning
Learn how to deploy a model to an endpoint. When you deploy a model, you can get real-time or batch predictions by calling the endpoint.
- Deploy a model to a managed online endpoint
- Deploy a model to a batch endpoint
- Modul 6Develop generative AI apps in Azure AI Foundry portal
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more accessible through easy-to-use platforms like Azure AI Foundry. Learn how to build generative AI applications that use language models with prompt flow to provide value to your users.
- Plan and prepare to develop AI solutions on Azure
- Explore and deploy models from the model catalog in Azure AI Foundry portal
- Develop an AI app with the Azure AI Foundry SDK
- Get started with prompt flow to develop language model apps in the Azure AI Foundry
- Build a RAG-based agent with your own data using Azure AI Foundry
- Fine-tune a language model with Azure AI Foundry
- Evaluate the performance of generative AI apps with Azure AI Foundry
- Responsible generative AI
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