Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure
Bemærk at kurset dette kursus er ved at blive udfaset, og Microsoft anbefaler i stedet kurserne:
Vi gennemgår praktisk implementering af data storage muligheder i Azure og har fokus på ETL (extract, transform, load) processen, og at det i dag ofte giver mening at T og L bytter plads til ELT.
Samtidig går vi i dybden med sikkerhed og værktøjet Azure Data Factory, som kan få alle tjenesterne til at tale sammen ved at migrere og transformere data igennem en pipeline.
Følgende Azure storage services og analyseværktøjer er indeholdt i kurset:
- Til filbaseret/ustruktureret data er Azure Storage account et godt valgt i form af blob storage/datalake.
- Azure Synapse Analytics (tidligere SQL DW) er et Parallelt DW i skyen, men som navnet antyder, er analyse-delen nu dybt integreret i produktet i form af Spark pools.
- Via Azure Databricks (Apache Spark baseret analyse platform) sætter du et Spark cluster op og ser, hvordan man kan analysere data fra datakilderne via Python i en notebook.
- Live data kan sendes direkte til Azure Event Hub og analyseres med window funktioner i Stream Analytics.
- Azure Data Factory er værktøjet som kan få alle tjenesterne til at tale sammen ved at migrere og transformere data igennem en pipeline.
- Azure Synapse link er forbindelsen mellem Synapse Analytics og CosmosDB Analytical Store
- Modul 1Introduction to data engineering on Azure
Microsoft Azure provides a comprehensive platform for data engineering; but what is data engineering?
- Identify common data engineering tasks
- Describe common data engineering concepts
- Identify Azure services for data engineering
- Modul 2Introduction to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
Data lakes are a core element of data analytics architectures. Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 provides a scalable, secure, cloud-based solution for data lake storage.
- Describe the key features and benefits of Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
- Enable Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 in an Azure Storage account
- Compare Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 and Azure Blob storage
- Describe where Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 fits in the stages of analytical processing
- Describe how Azure data Lake Storage Gen2 is used in common analytical workloads
- Modul 3Introduction to Azure Synapse Analytics
Learn about the features and capabilities of Azure Synapse Analytics - a cloud-based platform for big data processing and analysis.
- Identify the business problems that Azure Synapse Analytics addresses.
- Describe core capabilities of Azure Synapse Analytics.
- Determine when to use Azure Synapse Analytics.
- Modul 4Use Azure Synapse serverless SQL pool to query files in a data lake
With Azure Synapse serverless SQL pool, you can leverage your SQL skills to explore and analyze data in files, without the need to load the data into a relational database.
- Identify capabilities and use cases for serverless SQL pools in Azure Synapse Analytics
- Query CSV, JSON, and Parquet files using a serverless SQL pool
- Create external database objects in a serverless SQL pool
- Modul 5Use Azure Synapse serverless SQL pools to transform data in a data lake
By using a serverless SQL pool in Azure Synapse Analytics, you can use the ubiquitous SQL language to transform data in files in a data lake.
- Use a CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS SELECT (CETAS) statement to transform data.
- Encapsulate a CETAS statement in a stored procedure.
- Include a data transformation stored procedure in a pipeline.
- Modul 6Create a lake database in Azure Synapse Analytics
Why choose between working with files in a data lake or a relational database schema? With lake databases in Azure Synapse Analytics, you can combine the benefits of both.
- Understand lake database concepts and components
- Describe database templates in Azure Synapse Analytics
- Create a lake database
- Modul 7Analyze data with Apache Spark in Azure Synapse Analytics
Apache Spark is a core technology for large-scale data analytics. Learn how to use Spark in Azure Synapse Analytics to analyze and visualize data in a data lake.
- Identify core features and capabilities of Apache Spark.
- Configure a Spark pool in Azure Synapse Analytics.
- Run code to load, analyze, and visualize data in a Spark notebook.
- Modul 8Transform data with Spark in Azure Synapse Analytics
Data engineers commonly need to transform large volumes of data. Apache Spark pools in Azure Synapse Analytics provide a distributed processing platform that they can use to accomplish this goal.
- Use Apache Spark to modify and save dataframes
- Partition data files for improved performance and scalability.
- Transform data with SQL
- Modul 9Use Delta Lake in Azure Synapse Analytics
Delta Lake is an open source relational storage area for Spark that you can use to implement a data lakehouse architecture in Azure Synapse Analytics.
- Describe core features and capabilities of Delta Lake.
- Create and use Delta Lake tables in a Synapse Analytics Spark pool.
- Create Spark catalog tables for Delta Lake data.
- Use Delta Lake tables for streaming data.
- Query Delta Lake tables from a Synapse Analytics SQL pool.
- Modul 10Analyze data in a relational data warehouse
Relational data warehouses are a core element of most enterprise Business Intelligence (BI) solutions, and are used as the basis for data models, reports, and analysis.
- Design a schema for a relational data warehouse.
- Create fact, dimension, and staging tables.
- Use SQL to load data into data warehouse tables.
- Use SQL to query relational data warehouse tables.
- Modul 11Load data into a relational data warehouse
A core responsibility for a data engineer is to implement a data ingestion solution that loads new data into a relational data warehouse.
- Load staging tables in a data warehouse
- Load dimension tables in a data warehouse
- Load time dimensions in a data warehouse
- Load slowly changing dimensions in a data warehouse
- Load fact tables in a data warehouse
- Perform post-load optimizations in a data warehouse
- Modul 12Build a data pipeline in Azure Synapse Analytics
Pipelines are the lifeblood of a data analytics solution. Learn how to use Azure Synapse Analytics pipelines to build integrated data solutions that extract, transform, and load data across diverse systems.
- Describe core concepts for Azure Synapse Analytics pipelines.
- Create a pipeline in Azure Synapse Studio.
- Implement a data flow activity in a pipeline.
- Initiate and monitor pipeline runs.
- Modul 13Use Spark Notebooks in an Azure Synapse Pipeline
Apache Spark provides data engineers with a scalable, distributed data processing platform, which can be integrated into an Azure Synapse Analytics pipeline.
- Describe notebook and pipeline integration.
- Use a Synapse notebook activity in a pipeline.
- Use parameters with a notebook activity.
- Modul 14Plan hybrid transactional and analytical processing using Azure Synapse Analytics
Learn how hybrid transactional / analytical processing (HTAP) can help you perform operational analytics with Azure Synapse Analytics.
- Describe Hybrid Transactional / Analytical Processing patterns.
- Identify Azure Synapse Link services for HTAP.
- Modul 15Implement Azure Synapse Link with Azure Cosmos DB
Azure Synapse Link for Azure Cosmos DB enables HTAP integration between operational data in Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Synapse Analytics runtimes for Spark and SQL.
- Configure an Azure Cosmos DB Account to use Azure Synapse Link.
- Create an analytical store enabled container.
- Create a linked service for Azure Cosmos DB.
- Analyze linked data using Spark.
- Analyze linked data using Synapse SQL.
- Modul 16Implement Azure Synapse Link for SQL
Azure Synapse Link for SQL enables low-latency synchronization of operational data in a relational database to Azure Synapse Analytics.
- Understand key concepts and capabilities of Azure Synapse Link for SQL.
- Configure Azure Synapse Link for Azure SQL Database.
- Configure Azure Synapse Link for Microsoft SQL Server.
- Modul 17Get started with Azure Stream Analytics
Azure Stream Analytics enables you to process real-time data streams and integrate the data they contain into applications and analytical solutions.
- Understand data streams.
- Understand event processing.
- Understand window functions.
- Get started with Azure Stream Analytics.
- Modul 18Ingest streaming data using Azure Stream Analytics and Azure Synapse Analytics
Azure Stream Analytics provides a real-time data processing engine that you can use to ingest streaming event data into Azure Synapse Analytics for further analysis and reporting.
- Describe common stream ingestion scenarios for Azure Synapse Analytics.
- Configure inputs and outputs for an Azure Stream Analytics job.
- Define a query to ingest real-time data into Azure Synapse Analytics.
- Run a job to ingest real-time data, and consume that data in Azure Synapse Analytics.
- Modul 19Visualize real-time data with Azure Stream Analytics and Power BI
By combining the stream processing capabilities of Azure Stream Analytics and the data visualization capabilities of Microsoft Power BI, you can create real-time data dashboards.
- Configure a Stream Analytics output for Power BI.
- Use a Stream Analytics query to write data to Power BI.
- Create a real-time data visualization in Power BI.
- Modul 20Introduction to Microsoft Purview
In this module, you'll evaluate whether Microsoft Purview is the right choice for your data discovery and governance needs.
- Evaluate whether Microsoft Purview is appropriate for your data discovery and governance needs.
- Describe how the features of Microsoft Purview work to provide data discovery and governance.
- Modul 21Integrate Microsoft Purview and Azure Synapse Analytics
Learn how to integrate Microsoft Purview with Azure Synapse Analytics to improve data discoverability and lineage tracking.
- Catalog Azure Synapse Analytics database assets in Microsoft Purview.
- Configure Microsoft Purview integration in Azure Synapse Analytics.
- Search the Microsoft Purview catalog from Synapse Studio.
- Track data lineage in Azure Synapse Analytics pipelines activities.
- Modul 22Explore Azure Databricks
Azure Databricks is a cloud service that provides a scalable platform for data analytics using Apache Spark.
- Provision an Azure Databricks workspace.
- Identify core workloads and personas for Azure Databricks.
- Describe key concepts of an Azure Databricks solution.
- Modul 23Use Apache Spark in Azure Databricks
Azure Databricks is built on Apache Spark and enables data engineers and analysts to run Spark jobs to transform, analyze and visualize data at scale.
- Describe key elements of the Apache Spark architecture.
- Create and configure a Spark cluster.
- Describe use cases for Spark.
- Use Spark to process and analyze data stored in files.
- Use Spark to visualize data.
- Modul 24Run Azure Databricks Notebooks with Azure Data Factory
Using pipelines in Azure Data Factory to run notebooks in Azure Databricks enables you to automate data engineering processes at cloud scale.
- Describe how Azure Databricks notebooks can be run in a pipeline.
- Create an Azure Data Factory linked service for Azure Databricks.
- Use a Notebook activity in a pipeline.
- Pass parameters to a notebook.
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