Microsoft Fabric Analytics Engineer
Kurset gennemgår de vigtigste aspekter i Microsoft Fabric. Det er en software as a service (SaaS) løsning som tilbyder end-to-end data analyse. Det vil sige det er én samlet platform for alle i BI afdelingen til at håndtere indlæsning af rå data frem til præsentation og visualisering af data i Power BI.
Data er ikke længere kun SQL og pænt struktureret information i databaser. Vi har brug for andre måder at opbevare og analysere data på. Fabric tilbyder både det traditionelle SQL datawarehouse (Synapse Data Warehouse) og et moderne lakehouse, hvor vi i notebooks i Apache Spark kan kombinere SQL og programmeringssprogene Python/Scala. Det giver en meget større fleksibilitet i håndteringen, klargøring og processeringen af data, og det åbner for nye muligheder i form af data analyse med komplekse algoritmer.
På kurset opretter vi et lakehouse og kigger på, hvorfor tabeller i et lakehouse med stor fordel kan gemmes i delta formatet. Fabrics værktøj til ETL (extract, transform, load) processen hedder Dataflows Gen2, og det består af Power Query online. Det nye er, at en forespørgsel(query) har en data destination.
Data Factory er værktøjet i skyen, som kan få alle tjenesterne til at tale sammen ved at udføre opgaver. Det foregår i en pipeline som f.eks. kan eksekvere et dataflow, lande data i et lakehouse og dernæst køre en python notebook.
Efter kurset har du et forkromet overblik over de enkelte komponenter i Fabric, og du er bedre rustet til at tage en beslutning om hvilken arkitektur du skal implementere i din organisation for at få fuld gevinst af Fabric.
- Modul 1Get started with Microsoft Fabric
Explore the capabilities of Microsoft Fabric.
- Introduction to end-to-end analytics using Microsoft Fabric
- Get started with lakehouses in Microsoft Fabric
- Use Apache Spark in Microsoft Fabric
- Work with Delta Lake tables in Microsoft Fabric
- Use Data Factory pipelines in Microsoft Fabric
- Ingest Data with Dataflows Gen2 in Microsoft Fabric
- Get started with data warehouses in Microsoft Fabric
- Get started with Real-Time Intelligence in Microsoft Fabric
- Get started with data science in Microsoft Fabric
- Get started with Data Activator in Microsoft Fabric
- Administer Microsoft Fabric
- Modul 2Implement a Lakehouse with Microsoft Fabric
This learning path introduces the foundational components of implementing a data lakehouse with Microsoft Fabric.
- Introduction to end-to-end analytics using Microsoft Fabric
- Get started with lakehouses in Microsoft Fabric
- Use Apache Spark in Microsoft Fabric
- Work with Delta Lake tables in Microsoft Fabric
- Ingest Data with Dataflows Gen2 in Microsoft Fabric
- Use Data Factory pipelines in Microsoft Fabric
- Organize a Fabric lakehouse using medallion architecture design
- Modul 3Ingest data with Microsoft Fabric
Explore how Microsoft Fabric enables you to ingest and orchestrate data from various sources (such as files, databases, or web services) through dataflows, notebooks, and pipelines.
- Ingest Data with Dataflows Gen2 in Microsoft Fabric
- Ingest data with Spark and Microsoft Fabric notebooks
- Use Data Factory pipelines in Microsoft Fabric
- Modul 4Implement a data warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
Explore the data warehousing process and learn how to load, monitor, secure, and query a warehouse in Microsoft Fabric.
- Get started with data warehouses in Microsoft Fabric
- Load data into a Microsoft Fabric data warehouse
- Query a data warehouse in Microsoft Fabric
- Monitor a Microsoft Fabric data warehouse
- Secure a Microsoft Fabric data warehouse
- Modul 5Work with semantic models in Microsoft Fabric
Designing reports for enterprise scale requires more than just connecting to data. Understanding semantic models and strategies for scalability and optimization are key to a successful enterprise implementation. This learning path helps you prepare for theFabric Analytics Engineer Certification.
- Understand scalability in Power BI
- Create Power BI model relationships
- Use tools to optimize Power BI performance
- Enforce Power BI model security
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