Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals
Man lærer at identificere og beskrive centrale datakoncepter, bl.a. relationelle og ikke-relationelle data samt big data og får en indføring i relevante teknologier i Azure, som behandler disse data.
Man lærer om mulighederne for behandling af relationelle og ikke-relationelle data i Azure, herunder administration og deployment af databaser samt dataforespørgler i cloud data løsninger.
Ydermere vil kursisten lære om forskellige løsninger indenfor dataanalyseværktøjer i Azure, herunder Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Databricks og Azure HDInsight.
Endelig vil man ganske kort få en gennemgang af Power BI, et stærkt datavisualiserings- og analyseværktøj.
I korte træk lærer du at:
- Beskrive centrale data koncepter og best practices i Azure
- Forstå hvordan man håndterer relationelle data i Azure
- Forstå hvordan man håndterer ikke-relationelle data i Azure
- Skelne mellem forskellige værktøjer og teknologier i et data warehouse i Azure
- Modul 1Explore core data concepts
Data is the foundation on which all software is built. By learning about common data formats, workloads, roles, and services, you can prepare yourself for a career as a data professional. This learning path helps you prepare for theAzure Data Fundamentalscertification.
- Explore core data concepts
- Explore data roles and services
- Modul 2Explore relational data in Azure
Relational data is at the heart of most business applications, and is the foundation on which many enterprise data solutions are built. Microsoft Azure provides services for managing relational databases, enabling you to build new applications or migrate existing ones to the cloud. This learning path helps you prepare for theAzure Data Fundamentals
- Explore fundamental relational data concepts
- Explore relational database services in Azure
- Modul 3Explore non-relational data in Azure
Non-relational data is a common way for applications to store and query data without the overhead of a relational schema. In Microsoft Azure, you can use Azure Storage and Azure Cosmos DB to build highly scalable, secure data stores for non-relational data. This learning path helps you prepare for theAzure Data Fundamentals
- Explore Azure Storage for non-relational data
- Explore fundamentals of Azure Cosmos DB
- Modul 4Explore data analytics in Azure
The phenomenal growth in data in recent years is fueling digital transformation of businesses and other organizations by empowering fast and informed decision making through data analytics. Microsoft Azure provides multiple services that you can combine to build large-scale analytics solutions that leverage the latest technologies and techniques for data ingestion, storage, modeling, and visualization. This learning path helps you prepare for theAzure Data Fundamentalscertification.
- Explore fundamentals of large-scale analytics
- Explore fundamentals of real-time analytics
- Explore fundamentals of data visualization
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