Developing extensions v2.0 in Visual Studio Code for Dynamics NAV 2018/365 BC
On this course you will create a full solution for Dynamics NAV 2018/365 BC, which includes creating new objects and extending existing objects.
The solution will be created purely as an extension in Visual Studio Code, without changing a single object in the standard application of Dynamics NAV 2018/365 BC.
- Modul 1The Visual Studio Code Editor
- Modul 2Native Github integration
- Modul 3Using Snippets
- Modul 4Creating Snippets
- Modul 5Converting existing objects to AL
- Modul 6And of course, creating objects:
New Tables
Extending existing tables, including which properties can be changed and where to add code to triggers
New Pages
Extending existing pages, including which properties can be changed and where to add code to triggers
Creating codeunits, including: Event subscriptions, Install Codeunits, Upgrade Codeunits
Creating reports in Dynamics 365 Business Central
Creating reports in Dynamics NAV 2018
Creating XML Ports
Creating Queries
- Modul 7Controlling the Departments menu
- Modul 8Design patterns in Dynamics NAV/Dynamics 365 BC
- Modul 9Using the Visual Studio Code editor with other extensions, like:
XML Documents
JSON Tools
Snippet Creator
- Modul 10Upgrading to extensions
- Modul 11Differences between on premise and cloud versions
- Modul 12Integrating to external systems via Web-services/API
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