Microsoft 365 Endpoint Administrator
Deltageren vil på kurset få en forståelse af, hvordan man planlægger og implementerer en endpoint udrulningsstrategi.
Kurset introducerer de vigtigste elementer af Modern management, co-management og Microsoft Intune integration. Kurset dækker desuden app udrulning, styring af browser-baserede applicationer og vigtige sikkerhedskoncepter som authentication, identitites, access- og compliance policies.
Du lærer, hvordan man kan bruge MDM (Mobile Device Management) og MAM (Mobile Application Management) til at adskille og sikre organisationens data fra brugerens private data. Du får samtidig en forståelse for, hvordan man sørger for, at enheder med forskellige operativsystemer kan tilgå organisationens data fra forskellige steder og platforme.
Derudover får du kompetencer inden for Azure Active Directory, Azure Information Protection og Microsoft Defender for Endpoint i relation til at styrke sikkerheden omkring data og enheder i din organisation.
Kurset giver dig en indføring i nye cloud teknologier og services, som Microsoft 365 tilbyder. Undervejs holder vi on-premise metoder op imod cloudløsningerne, og vurderer fordele og ulemper ved de forskellige scenarier.
På kurset afprøves planlægning og konfiguration af forskellige udrulningsmetoder, der omfatter både on-premise- og cloudløsninger. Vi vil se på, hvad der skal til for at implementere Microsoft Intune i en organisation, samt forstå hvordan Intune bruges til at styre computere og andre mobile enheder.
Undervejs er der masser hands-on labs, så du prøver at bruge værktøjerne i praksis.
Kurset henvender sig blandt andet til den IT-professionelle, som supporterer klienter og enheder i en organisation. Kurset er dog også yderst relevant for de folk og organisationer, som allerede har cloudløsninger, men ønsker at lære mere om nye funktionaliteter, der er tilgængelige for Cloud Management.
OBS: Kurset er opdateret, så labs kører Windows 11/ Server 2022.
- Modul 1Explore endpoint management
This learning path is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of enterprise desktops, Windows editions, and Microsoft Entra ID. It includes exploring various Windows editions, including their features and installation methods. It delves into Microsoft Entra ID, highlighting its similarities and differences with AD DS and how to synchronize the two. Furthermore, learners will better understand managing Microsoft Entra identities. Overall, this learning path equips learners with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively support enterprise desktops and manage Microsoft Entra identities.
- Explore the Enterprise Desktop
- Explore Windows Editions
- Understand Microsoft Entra ID
- Manage Microsoft Entra identities
- Modul 2Execute device enrollment
This learning path will cover Microsoft Entra join and will introduce Microsoft Endpoint Manager. We'll also discuss how to configure policies for enrolling devices to Configuration Manager and Microsoft Intune.
- Manage device authentication
- Enroll devices using Microsoft Configuration Manager
- Enroll devices using Microsoft Intune
- Modul 3Configure profiles for user and devices
This learning path explores Intune device profiles, the benefits of user profiles and how to synchronize profile data across multiple devices.
- Execute device profiles
- Oversee device profiles
- Maintain user profiles
- Modul 4Examine application management
Learners will examine application management methods using on-premises and cloud-based solutions.
- Execute mobile application management
- Deploy and update applications
- Administer endpoint applications
- Modul 5Manage authentication and compliance
This learning path covers the various solutions for managing authentication. Students will also learn about the different types of VPNs, as well as compliance and conditional access policies.
- Protect identities in Microsoft Entra ID
- Enable organizational access
- Implement device compliance
- Generate inventory and compliance reports
- Modul 6Manage endpoint security
In this learning path, students will learn about data protection and protecting endpoints against threats. This path will also cover the key capabilities of Microsoft Defender solutions.
- Deploy device data protection
- Manage Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
- Manage Microsoft Defender in Windows client
- Manage Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
- Modul 7Deploy using on-premises based tools
Students are introduced to deployment using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit and Configuration Manager.
- Assess deployment readiness
- Deploy using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
- Deploy using Microsoft Configuration Manager
- Modul 8Deploy using cloud based tools
Students will learn about using Windows Autopilot and deployment using Microsoft Intune. Students will also learn how co-management can be used to transition to modern management.
- Deploy Devices using Windows Autopilot
- Implement dynamic deployment methods
- Plan a transition to modern endpoint management
- Manage Windows 365
- Manage Azure Virtual Desktop
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