Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server
På kurset lærer du at klargøre og installere Windows Server, samt planlægge en opgraderings- og migreringsstrategi. Du får indblik i local storage, partitionstabeller, filsystemer, virtuelle harddiske, og hvordan man administrerer diske. Storage Spaces og Data Deduplication gennemgåes og afprøves. Du får tilmed hands-on erfaring med at installere og konfigurere Microsoft Hyper-V samt konfigurere virtuelle maskiner.
Kurset gennemgår Windows Containere, og du lærer om de forskellige High Availability og Disaster Recovery teknologier, der er tilgængelige i Windows Server. Du får også know-how inden for planlægning, oprettelse og administration af et Failover Cluster med virtuelle maskiner. Endelig lærer du at oprette images til deployment, samt at administrere, overvåge og vedligeholde virtuelle maskiner.
Selvom kurset og tilhørende opgaver er baseret på Windows Server 2022, vil du også kunne bruge din tillærte viden på Server 2016 og 2019.
Kurset og opgaverne fokuserer også på at administrere Windows Server, ikke bare med de traditionelle værktøjer som Server Manager og PowerShell, men også Windows Admin Center.
- Modul 1Installing, upgrading, and migrating servers and workloads
This module describes the new features of Windows Server, and explains how to prepare for and install Server Core. This module also describes how to plan a server upgrade and migration strategy, and explains how to perform a migration of server roles and workloads within and across domains. Finally, this module explains how to choose an activation model based on your environment characteristics.
Introducing Windows Server
Preparing and installing Server Core
Preparing for upgrades and migrations
Migrating server roles and workloads
Windows Server activation models
Lab 1: Installing and configuring Windows Server
- Modul 2Configuring local storage
This module explains how to name, declare, assign values to, and use variables. It also describes how to store data in an array. (e.g. This module explains how to install, upgrade and migrate to Windows. It also describes the key features, editions, and hardware requirements of Windows)
Managing disks in Windows Server
Managing volumes in Windows Server
Lab 1: Configuring local storage
Creating and managing volumes
Resizing volumes
Managing virtual hard disks
- Modul 3Implementing Storage Spaces and Data Deduplication
This module explains how to implement and manage Storage Spaces. This module also explains how to implement Data Deduplication.
Implementing Storage Spaces
Managing Storage Spaces
Implementing Data Deduplication
Lab 1: Implementing Storage Spaces
Creating a Storage Space
Lab 2: Implementing Data Deduplication
Installing Data Deduplication
Configuring Data Deduplication
- Modul 4Installing and configuring Hyper-V and virtual machines
This module provides an overview of Hyper-V and virtualization. It explains how to install Hyper-V, and how to configure storage and networking on Hyper-V host servers. Additionally, it explains how to configure and manage Hyper-V virtual machines.
Overview of Hyper-V
Installing Hyper-V
Configuring storage on Hyper-V host servers
Configuring networking on Hyper-V host servers
Configuring Hyper-V virtual machines
Managing virtual machines
Lab 1: Installing and configuring Hyper-V
Verify installation of the Hyper-V server role
Configuring Hyper-V networks
Creating and configuring virtual machines
Enable nested virtualization for a virtual machine
- Modul 5Deploying and managing containers
This module provides an overview of containers in Windows Server. Additionally, this module explains how to deploy Windows Server and Hyper-V containers. It also explains how to install, configure, and manage containers by using Docker.
Overview of containers in Windows Server
Deploying Windows Server and Hyper-V containers
Installing, configuring, and managing containers by using Docker
Lab 1: Installing and configuring containers
Installing and configuring Windows Server containers by using Windows PowerShell
Deploying containers using Docker
- Modul 6High availability and disaster recovery
This module provides an overview of high availability and high availability with failover clustering in Windows Server. It further explains how to plan high availability and disaster recovery solutions with Hyper-V virtual machines. Additionally, this module explains how to back up and restore the Windows Server operating system and data by using Windows Server Backup.
Defining levels of availability
Planning high availability and disaster recovery solutions with Hyper-V virtual machines
Backing up and restoring by using Windows Server Backup
High availability with failover clustering in Windows Server
Lab 1: Planning and implementing a high availability and disaster recovery solution
Determining the appropriate high availability and disaster recovery solution
Implementing storage migration
Configuring Hyper-V replicas
- Modul 7Implementing failover clustering
This module explains how to plan for failover clustering. It also explains how to create, manage, and troubleshoot a failover cluster.
Planning a failover cluster
Creating and configuring a new failover cluster
Maintaining a failover cluster
Troubleshooting a failover cluster
Implementing site high availability with stretch clustering
Lab 1: Implementing failover clustering
Creating a failover cluster
Verifying quorum settings and adding a node
Lab 2: Managing a failover cluster
Evicting a node and verifying quorum settings
Changing the quorum from disk witness to file-share witness, and defining node voting
Verifying high availability
- Modul 8Implementing failover clustering with Windows Server Hyper-V
This module describes how Hyper-V integrates with failover clustering. It also explains how to implement Hyper-V virtual machines (VMs) in failover clusters.
Overview of the integration of Hyper-V with failover clustering
Implementing Hyper-V VMs on failover clusters
Key features for VMs in a clustered environment
Lab 1: Implementing failover clustering with Windows Server Hyper-V
Configure iSCSI storage
Configuring a failover cluster for Hyper-V
Configuring a highly available VM
- Modul 9Creating and managing deployment images
This module provides an overview of the Windows Server image deployment process. It also explains how to create and manage deployment images by using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT). Additionally, it describes different workloads in the virtual machine environment.
Introduction to deployment images
Creating and managing deployment images by using MDT
Virtual machine environments for different workloads
Lab 1: Using MDT to deploy Windows Server
Configuring MDT
Creating and deploying an image
- Modul 10Managing, monitoring, and maintaining virtual machine installations
This module provides an overview on Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and the requirements to implement WSUS. It explains how to manage the update process with WSUS. Additionally, this module provides an overview of Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) and Windows Server monitoring tools. Finally, this module describes how to use Performance Monitor, and how to manage event logs.
WSUS overview and deployment options
Update management process with WSUS
Overview of Windows PowerShell DSC
Overview of Windows Server monitoring tools
Using Performance Monitor
Monitoring event logs
Lab 1: Implementing WSUS and deploying updates
Implementing WSUS
Configuring update settings
Approving and deploying an update by using WSUS
Lab 2: Monitoring and troubleshooting Windows Server
Establishing a performance baseline
Identifying the source of a performance problem
Viewing and configuring centralized event logs
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