Networking with Windows Server
På kurset lærer du at planlægge og implementere et IPv4 netværk med DHCP og DNS som vigtige elementer. Du lærer at sætte en VPN-server og -klient op, at beskytte dine webapp med en Web Application Proxy server, og at optimere trafikken mellem forskellige lokationer. Desuden gennemgås nogle af de avancerede netværksfunktioner i Microsoft Hyper-V.
Selvom kurset og tilhørende opgaver er baseret på Windows Server 2022, vil du også kunne bruge din tillærte viden på Server 2016 og 2019.
Kurset og opgaverne fokuserer også på at administrere Windows Server, ikke bare med de traditionelle værktøjer som Server Manager og PowerShell, men også Windows Admin Center.
- Modul 1Planning and implementing an IPv4 network
This module explains how to use fundamental networking tools and techniques to configure and troubleshoot IPv4-based networks.
Planning IPv4 addressing
Configuring an IPv4 host
Managing and troubleshooting IPv4 network connectivity
Lab 1: Planning an IPv4 network
Migrating Settings by using Windows Easy Transfer
Configuring a Reference Image of Windows
Configuring a Reference Image
Lab 2: Planning an IPv4 network
Migrating Settings by using Windows Easy Transfer
Configuring a Reference Image of Windows
Configuring a Reference Image
Lab 3: Implementing and troubleshooting an IPv4 network
Verifying IPv4
Troubleshooting IPv4
Lab 4: Implementing and troubleshooting an IPv4 network
Verifying IPv4
Troubleshooting IPv4
- Modul 2Implementing DHCP
This module explains how to plan and implement DHCP to support the IPv4 infrastructure.
Overview of the DHCP server role
Deploying DHCP
Managing and troubleshooting DHCP
Lab 1: Implementing DHCP
Planning a DHCP server implementation
Implementing the DHCP configuration
Validating the DHCP implementation
- Modul 3Implementing DNS
This module explains how to install, configure, and troubleshoot DNS within the organization's network.
Implementing DNS servers
Configuring zones in DNS
Configuring name resolution between DNS zones
Configuring DNS integration with Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)
Configuring advanced DNS settings
Lab 1: Planning and implementing name resolution by using DNS
Planning DNS name resolution
Implementing DNS servers and zones
Lab 2: Integrating DNS with Active Directory
Integrating DNS with Active Directory
Lab 3: Configuring advanced DNS settings
Configuring DNS policies
Validating the DNS implementation
Troubleshooting DNS
- Modul 4Remote access in Windows Server
This module explains how to plan for remote access in Windows Server and how to implement Web Application Proxy.
Overview of remote access
Implementing the Web Application Proxy
Lab 1: Implementing Web Application Proxy
Implementing Web Application Proxy
Validating the Web Application Proxy deployment
- Modul 5Implementing VPNs
This module explains how to implement and manage remote access in Windows Server by using VPNs.
Planning VPNs
Implementing VPNs
Lab 1: Implementing VPN
Implementing VPN
Validating the VPN deployment
Troubleshooting VPN access
- Modul 6Implementing networking for branch offices
This module explains how to implement network services for branch offices.
Networking features and considerations for branch offices
Implementing Distributed File System (DFS) for branch offices
Implementing BranchCache for branch offices
Lab 1: Implementing DFS for branch offices
Implementing DFS
Validating the deployment
Lab 2: Implementing BranchCache
Implementing BranchCache
Validating the deployment
- Modul 7Configuring advanced networking features
This module explains how to implement an advanced networking infrastructure.
Overview of high performance networking features
Configuring advanced Microsoft Hyper-V networking features
Lab 1: Configuring advanced Hyper-V networking features
Creating and using Hyper-V virtual switches
Configuring and using the advanced features of a virtual switch
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