Administering a SQL Database
Kurset henvender sig til dig, der skal administrere SQL Servers, Azure SQL databaser eller andre cloud-baserede SQL Server databaser. Desuden er det aktuelt for dig, som skal udvikle applikationer, som leverer indhold til SQL Server databaser.
Gennem en kombination af tavleundervisning og hands-on lab øvelser får du både praktisk og teoretisk viden, der er nødvendig for at administrere SQL Server databaseinfrastruktur.
På kurset lærer du blandt andet:
- At godkende og autorisere brugere
- At tildele server- og databaseroller
- At autorisere brugere til at kunne tilgå ressourcer
- At beskytte data med kryptering og auditing features
- At arbejde med recovery-modeller og backup-strategier
- At tage backup af SQL Server-databaser
- At genskabe (restore) SQL Server-databaser
- At automatisere databaseadministration
- At konfigurere sikkerhed til SQL Server-agenten
- At håndtere advarsler og notifikationer
- At administrere SQL Server med PowerShell
- At spore adgang til SQL Server
- At overvåge SQL Servere
- At troubleshoote SQL Servere
- At importere og eksportere data
- Modul 1SQL Server Security
This module describes SQL Server security models, logins, users, partially contained databases, and cross-server authorization.
Authenticating Connections to SQL Server
Authorizing Logins to Connect to databases
Authorization Across Servers
Partially Contained Databases
Lab 1: SQL Server Security
Authenticating Connections to SQL Server
Authorizing Connections to databases
Authorization across server instances
Authorizing Connections to databases
- Modul 2Assigning Server and Database Roles
This module explains how to use roles at the server and database level to manage user permissions.
Working with Server Roles
Working with Fixed Database Roles
User-Defined Database Roles
Lab 1: Assigning Server and Database Roles
Using Server Roles
Using Database Roles
Using User-defined Database Roles & Application Roles
- Modul 3Authorizing Users to Access Resources
This module explains how to authorize users to access server and database roles. It also describes how to manage permissions at different levels in a SQL Server instance.
Authorizing User Access to Objects
Authorizing Users to Execute Code
Configuring Permissions at the Schema Level
Lab 1: Authorizing Users to Access Resources
Assigning Fixed and User-Defined Server Roles
Managing Database Roles and Users
Configure Permissions at the Schema Level
- Modul 4Protecting Data with Encryption and Auditing
This module describes the available options for auditing and how to manage audit features. It also describes how to configure and implement data encryption.
Options for auditing data access in SQL Server
Implementing SQL Server Audit
Managing SQL Server Audit
Protecting Data with Encryption
Lab 1: Using Auditing and Encryption
Auditing with Temporal Tables
Using SQL Server Audit
View Audit Output
Using Dynamic Data Masking
- Modul 5Recovery Models and Backup Strategies
In this module, you will learn how to use the available backup features for databases and transaction logs to create backup strategies.
Understanding Backup Strategies
SQL Server Transaction Logs
Planning Backup Strategies
Lab 1: Understanding SQL Server Recovery Models
Backup Databases
Transaction Log Backups
Shrinking a database
- Modul 6Backing Up SQL Server Databases
In this module, you will learn how to apply various backup strategies.
Backing Up Databases and Transaction Logs
Managing Database Backups
Advanced Database Options
Lab 1: Backing Up Databases
Backing Up Databases
Verifying Backups
Using Advanced Backup Features
- Modul 7Restoring SQL Server Databases
In this module, you will see how to restore user and system databases and how to implement point-in-time recovery.
Understanding the Restore Process
Restoring Databases
Advanced Restore Scenarios
Point-in-Time Recovery
Lab 1: Restoring SQL Server Databases
Determining the order of restores
Restoring databases
Restore encrypted backup
Point-in-Time restore
- Modul 8Automating SQL Server Management
This module describes how to use SQL Server Agent to automate jobs, how to configure security contexts for jobs, and how to implement multi-server jobs.
Automating SQL Server management
Working with SQL Server Agent
Managing SQL Server Agent Jobs
Multi-server Management
Lab 1: Automating SQL Server Management
Using SQL Server Agent
Scripting SQL Server Agent jobs
Viewing job history
Multimaster management
- Modul 9Configuring Security for SQL Server Agent
This module explains how to configure SQL Server Agent to use a minimal privilege security environment and how to use credentials and proxy accounts to run jobs securely.
Understanding SQL Server Agent Security
Configuring Credentials
Configuring Proxy Accounts
Lab 1: Configuring SQL Server Agent
Assigning a security context to job steps
Create credentials
Create a proxy account
- Modul 10Monitoring SQL Server with Alerts and Notifications
This module covers the configuration of Database Mail, alerts, and notifications for a SQL Server instance, and the configuration of alerts for Microsoft Azure SQL Database.
Monitoring SQL Server Errors
Configuring Database Mail
Operators, Alerts, and Notifications
Alerts in Azure SQL Database
Lab 1: Monitoring SQL Server with Alerts and Notifications
Working with Database Engine Error Logs
Configuring Database Mail
Configure Operators and Alerts
Configuring Alerts in Azure SQL Database (Optional)
- Modul 11Introduction to Managing SQL Server by using PowerShell
This module explains how to use Windows PowerShell with Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database. It also describes how to improve efficiency and reliability by scripting tasks and jobs.
Getting Started with Windows PowerShell
Configure SQL Server using PowerShell
Administer and Maintain SQL Server with PowerShell
Managing Azure SQL Databases using PowerShell
Lab 1: Using PowerShell to Manage SQL Server
Exploring SQL Server Management Objects (SMOs)
Configure database and Instance features with PowerShell
Manage logins and backups with PowerShell
Create an Azure SQL Database with PowerShell
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