SQL Server Integration Services
På kurset får du viden og praktisk erfaring med at bruge SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) til at bygge, udrulle, vedligeholde og sikre Integration Services projekter og pakker. Desuden lærer du, hvordan SSIS anvendes til at udtrække, transformere og loade data til og fra SQL Servers.
Kurset fokuserer mest på at bygge SSIS-pakker, frem for at fokusere på data warehouse design og implementation, og det er særligt målrettet dig, der skal udfylde rollen som Business Intelligence Developer.
Når du har gennemført kurset vil du bl.a. være i stand til at:
- Bygge avancerede SSIS-pakker, der udtrækker, transformerer og loader data
- Bruge containers til effektivt at kontrollere gentagne opgaver og transaktioner
- Konfigurere pakker til dynamisk at tilpasse sig ændringer
- Bruge Data Quality Services til at rense data
- Fejlsøge pakker
- Oprette og administrere SSIS Catalog
- Udrulle og konfigurere pakker
- Håndtere sikkerhed i SSIS Catalog
- Modul 1SSIS Overview
This module explains the purpose of SSIS and teaches how to use the Import/Export Wizard to exchange data between data structures.
Import/Export Wizard
Exporting Data with the Wizard
Common Import Concerns
Quality Checking Imported/Exported Data
Lab 1: SSIS Overview
Use the Import/Export Wizard from SSMS
- Modul 2Working with Solutions and Projects
In this module, students learn to work with SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) to design and deploy reports.
Working with SQL Server Data Tools
Understanding Solutions and Projects
Working with the Visual Studio Interface
Lab 1: Working with Solutions and Projects
Import and run a package in SSDT-BI
- Modul 3Basic Control Flow
The Control Flow tab of the SSIS Designer is used to organize the general flow of your package execution. The control flow of a package includes different element types, such as tasks, containers, and precedence constraints. Each of these element types has a set of properties that you will use to define and manage individual instances of these elements. In this module, students learn to add containers or tasks from the SSIS Toolbox to the Control Flow Designer.
Working with Tasks
Understanding Precedence Constraints
Annotating Packages
Grouping Tasks
Package and Task Properties
Connection Managers
Favorite Tasks
Lab 1: Basic Control Flow
Precedence Constraints and Execute SQL Task
- Modul 4Common Tasks
Microsoft has organized the tasks in the Common section of the SSIS Toolbox alphabetically. This module will touch on the functionality of each of these tasks, and provide Try It exercises for the tasks that are most commonly seen in classes and companies.
Analysis Services Processing
Data Profiling Task
Execute Package Task
Execute Process Task
Expression Task
File System Task
FTP Task
Hadoop Task
Script Task Introduction
Send Mail Task
Web Service Task
XML Task
Lab 1: Common Tasks
Create a package to copy a file and send an email message on completion
Create a package to perform data profiling and then review the results
Create a master package and test the execution flow of the child packages
- Modul 5Data Flow Sources and Destinations
In this module, students will learn to work with data flow sources and destinations.
The Data Flow Task
The Data Flow SSIS Toolbox
Working with Data Sources
SSIS Data Sources
Working with Data Destinations
SSIS Data Destinations
Lab 1: Data Flow Sources and Destinations
Working with Data Sources and Destinations
- Modul 6Data Flow Transformations
In this module, students learn about transformations, which allow you to modify data in the data flow pipeline.
Configuring Transformations
Lab 1: Data Flow Transformations
Working with Derived Column Transformations
Working with Lookup Transformations
- Modul 7Making Packages Dynamic
In this module, students will learn to make SSIS packages dynamic.
Features for Making Packages Dynamic
Package Parameters
Project Parameters
SQL Parameters
Expressions in Tasks
Expressions in Connection Managers
After Deployment
How It All Fits Together
Lab 1: Making Packages Dynamic
Making a Package Dynamic
- Modul 8Containers
In this module, students learn to use containers, which provide a way to organize tasks that need to be managed together as a group.
Sequence Containers
For Loop Containers
Foreach Loop Containers
Lab 1: Containers
Use a Foreach Loop container to send a custom email to the names found in a database view
- Modul 9Troubleshooting and Package Reliability
This module puts together common troubleshooting methods along with some of the reliability features for SSIS all in one place.
Understanding MaximumErrorCount
Redirecting Error Rows
Event Handlers
Using Checkpoints
Lab 1: Troubleshooting and Package Reliability
Creating a Script Task to Merge Error Messages
Configure a package to use transactions
- Modul 10Deploying to the SSIS Catalog
The project deployment model provides the framework for new functionality such as the SSIS catalog, environments, project level parameters and project level connection managers. This module explains how to deploy projects to the SSIS catalog.
The SSIS Catalog
Deploying Projects
Working with Environments
Executing Packages in SSMS
Executing Packages from the Command Line
Deployment Model Differences
Lab 1: Deploying to the SSIS Catalog
Deploying a Project to the SSIS Catalog
Manually executing a Package
- Modul 11Installing and Administering SSIS
In this module, students will learn to install, upgrade, and administer SSIS.
Installing SSIS
Upgrading SSIS
Managing the SSIS Catalog
Viewing Built-in SSIS Reports
Managing SSIS Logging and Operation Histories
Automating Package Execution
Lab 1: Installing and Administering SSIS
Automating Package Execution
- Modul 12Securing the SSIS Catalog
In addition to the standard SQL Server database and instance permissions that can be configured like any other database, the SSIS catalog has special pre-defined database roles and additional permissions that can be assigned for the management and execution of SSIS packages. In this module, students learn to work with roles and permissions to secure the SSIS catalog.
Grantable Permissions
Granting Permissions
Configuring Proxy Accounts
Lab 1: Securing the SSIS Catalog
Securing the SSIS Catalog
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