Manage and extend Microsoft 365 Copilot
Dette kursus er designet til administratorer og IT-professionelle, der ønsker at lære at administrere og udvide Microsoft 365 Copilot for at opfylde deres forretningsbehov. Du vil blive introduceret til Copilot, lære om dets implementering og administration, og udforske de grundlæggende principper for dets udvidelsesmuligheder.
- Modul 1Prepare your organization for Microsoft 365 Copilot
This learning path examines the Microsoft 365 Copilot design and its security and compliance features, and it provides instruction on how to implement Microsoft 365 Copilot.
- Implement Microsoft 365 Copilot
- Examine data security and compliance in Microsoft 365 Copilot
- Modul 2Manage Microsoft 365 Copilot administration
This learning path examines how to apply Zero Trust principles to Microsoft 365 Copilot and how to manage Microsoft Copilot and Microsoft 365 Copilot administration.
- Apply principles of Zero Trust to Microsoft Copilots
- Manage Microsoft Copilot
- Manage Microsoft 365 Copilot
- Modul 3Prepare for Microsoft 365 Copilot extensibility
This learning path introduces you to the basic fundamentals of Microsoft 365 Copilot extensibility and provides guidance on how to choose the Copilot extensibility path that is right for your organization.
- Microsoft 365 Copilot extensibility fundamentals
- Choose a Microsoft 365 Copilot extensibility development path
- Manage Microsoft 365 Copilot extensibility
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