Microsoft Power Platform Developer
Dette kursus begynder der, hvor low-code stopper - på kurset får du hands-on erfaring med at udvikle en komplet Power Platform løsning inklusive integration og deployment til Azure.
Du får erfaring med at udvide Power Platform løsninger med f.eks. custom-connectors og event-handlers. Der findes allerede mange connectors fra Power Platform til andre applikationer, men på kurset lærer du også at skrive dine egne connectors, som kan binde en Power Platform løsning op imod tredjepartssystemer.
Du præsenteres for de ressourcer og værktøjer en udvikler i Power Platform bør kende, bl.a. lærer du at udvikle egne komponenter og gøre brug af avancerede features i Power Apps Component Framework. Derudover har vi fokus på opbygning af DevOps miljøer og automatiseret deployment.
Endelig lærer kurset dig at bygge og konfigurere model-driven programs samt canvas apps i Power Apps. I forbindelse med udvikling af disse applikationer lærer du også om avancerede teknikker og muligheder for databehandling i canvas apps. Derudover får du indblik i automatisering af processer via Power Automate, et stærkt automatiseringsværktøj integreret i Power Platformen.
Kurset har også moduler inden for udvidelse af Power Apps portals og integration mellem Dataverse og Power Platform.
- Modul 1How to build your first model-driven app with Dataverse
Do you want to quickly build apps with little to no code? This module focuses on the building blocks of Dataverse and model-driven apps. These key components will help you build quick business apps in your organization.
- Discover the value and key features of Dataverse.
- Learn about the value and key features of model-driven apps.
- Explore sample model-driven template apps.
- Modul 2Get started with model-driven apps in Power Apps
Model-driven app design is an approach that focuses on quickly adding components to your apps. These components include dashboards, forms, views, and charts. With little or no code, you can make apps that are simple or complex.
- Model-driven app design
- Creating a model-driven app
- Modul 3Manage tables in Dataverse
Dataverse tables are similar to tables in a database. Every instance of a Dataverse database includes a base set of tables that provide structure for data that is commonly used by business applications.
- Tables in Dataverse.
- Types of tables that are available in Dataverse.
- Creating a custom table.
- Enabling attachments within a table.
- Which licensing requirements to apply to use each type of table.
- Modul 4Create and manage columns within a table in Dataverse
Do you want to create new data columns or use existing standardized columns for your business solutions? This module shows you how to manage or create new columns within a table in Dataverse.
- What a column is in Dataverse.
- The types of columns that are available in Dataverse.
- How to add a column to a table.
- What a primary name column is in Dataverse.
- How to identify restrictions that are associated with columns.
- How to create an auto-numbering column.
- How to create an alternate key.
- Modul 5Working with choices in Dataverse
Do you want to create standardized choice lists that you can use across all of your Power Apps? This module will show you how to create new or use standard choice lists called choices in Dataverse.
- Learn about choices.
- Explore the standard choices.
- Create a new choice or modify an existing one.
- Modul 6Create a relationship between tables in Dataverse
Do you need to create relationships between tables? This module will show how and why you can separate data into tables and how to relate between tables to build complex and robust business solutions. It will also explain the different kinds of relationships that you can define between tables in Dataverse.
- Why you should segment data that is used by your solutions into many tables.
- Why you need to relate one table to another.
- How to build relationships between tables.
- How to select the proper relationship type when you're building solutions with Dataverse.
- Modul 7Define and create business rules in Dataverse
The ability to build business rules that ensure consistent business logic whatever app is accessing that data set is imperative to a successful business operation. This module will show you how you can build business rules that are triggered anytime they're used within Dataverse.
- Define business rules in Dataverse.
- Create and manage business rules in Dataverse.
- Modul 8Create and define calculation or rollup columns in Dataverse
Do you want to use rollup or calculation columns? This module shows you how to build calculations or rollups that are defined and triggered within the data in Dataverse, regardless of the app that accesses that data set.
- Define a rollup column.
- Create a rollup column.
- Identify a calculation column.
- Create a calculation column.
- Define a formula column.
- Modul 9Get started with security roles in Dataverse
Do you want to use security roles to limit user permissions? This module will show you how you can set permissions to limit access to an environment. Or limit which users can view, edit, or delete data in an environment within Dataverse.
- Learn about security roles and apply them to users in an environment.
- Learn how to add users to an environment.
- Understand security concepts in Dataverse.
- Identify default security roles.
- Create a custom role.
- Create a custom security role and assign it to entities and users.
- Learn how to configure Dataverse teams for security.
- Learn how to configure Dataverse group teams for security.
- Modul 10Get started with Power Apps canvas apps
This module introduces the learner to Power Apps. It starts with an introduction video briefly describing the "why" (case for Power Apps) and the "what" for what users can do with Power Apps. The units then take users through the "how" instilling in them the confidence that they can use Power Apps to interact with their data.
- Explore how Power Apps can make your business more efficient.
- Use different technologies to perform different tasks in Power Apps.
- Build an app in Power Apps in different ways.
- Create your first app from data in an Excel workbook.
- Modul 11Customize a canvas app in Power Apps
In this module, we'll show learners how to customize their app, a necessary skill for taking advantage of the capabilities of Power Apps. This unit builds upon the app produced in the first unit.
- Change the layout of a gallery.
- Change the data that a control portrays.
- Modify a form control to show different data fields.
- Learn about gallery and form controls.
- Add a screen.
- Learn how to modify label properties by using basic formulas.
- Add labels.
- Learn how to create basic screen navigation.
- Modul 12Manage apps in Power Apps
Manage app versions, app sharing, and environments in Power Apps.
- Learn how to view and restore app versions.
- Explore how to share an app, including permissions and notifications.
- Learn about what environments are, how to create them, and how to manage security.
- Find more information about Power Apps.
- Modul 13Navigation in a canvas app in Power Apps
This module takes learners beyond basic navigation by introducing screen transitions and using controls other than buttons for navigation. It also introduces the concept of the documentation screen.
- Gain a greater understanding of the Navigate and Back functions.
- Learn how to use screen transitions in an app.
- Learn how to preview and modify an app to fit various form factors.
- Gain hands-on experience in building navigations inside an app.
- Learn how to use other controls for app navigation.
- Modul 14How to build the User Interface in a canvas app in Power Apps
In this module, learners will learn how to build UI for their app including theming, icons, images, personalization, form factors, and controls. In their learning path, thus far, learners have used basic controls with little to no customization. This unit shows how to make an app more personal and help it fit branding or personal requirements.
- Understand the basics of building the UI through themes, icons, control customization, and images.
- Use personalization in a canvas app.
- Learn how to preview and modify an app to fit different form factors.
- Modul 15Use and understand Controls in a canvas app in Power Apps
Controls help create a better experience for the user and collect the appropriate data. This module helps you understand and use Controls.
- Understand how to use controls in a canvas app
- Use the different types of controls
- Understand how Galleries and Forms relate to controls
- Modul 16Document and test your Power Apps application
In this module, you'll learn best practices around testing and documenting your Power Apps application.
- Learn about the different types of test plans and components of a good test plan
- Identify and discuss optimization tools and performance tuning
- Learn about the benefits of documenting your application
- Modul 17Use imperative development techniques for canvas apps in Power Apps
Imperative development techniques can help you achieve the goal for your app. You learn about different development methods and different variables in Power Apps.
- Understand imperative vs. declarative development.
- Understand the variables in Power Apps.
- Understand when to utilize each of the three different types of variables.
- Modul 18Create formulas that use tables, records, and collections in a canvas app in Power Apps
Do you have need for complex formulas in your app? This module can help you write those formulas.
- Utilize formulas that process multiple records.
- Use the Concat function to combine text from multiple records.
- Utilize the Countrows, CountIf, ForAll.
- Perform math operations on data in a table.
- Modul 19Perform custom updates in a Power Apps canvas app
With some Power Apps canvas apps a form isn't the solution. This module focuses on how to perform custom updates when your data isn't in a form.
- Use the Patch function to update your data.
- Understand how the Defaults function is used to create new records with Patch.
- Use the Remove and RemoveIf functions to delete records.
- Determine whether to use Clear and Collect or ClearCollect in their scenario.
- Modul 20Complete testing and performance checks in a Power Apps canvas app
Do you want to test your app and improve its performance? This module helps you understand how to test an app and improve performance.
- Use best practices to improve the performance of your app.
- Understand how to best test an app.
- Use fiddler for troubleshooting.
- Modul 21Work with relational data in a Power Apps canvas app
Do you want to improve a user's experience in your canvas app? This module will show you how to work with relational data to provide a good experience for app users.
- Understand relational data
- Use relational data to improve an app user's experience in Power Apps
- Understand how to use relational data in Microsoft Dataverse
- Modul 22Work with data source limits (delegation limits) in a Power Apps canvas app
It's important to learn how to work with data source limits. You need to understand the various limits and variables that go into those limits to best work with data in Power Apps. This will help you chose the best data source for an app to meet your requirements.
- Understand the different limits of different data sources
- Understand how functions, predicates, and operators all play roles in the limits
- Use this new understanding to choose the best data source for an app
- Modul 23Connect to other data in a Power Apps canvas app
Do you need to connect to data that isn't tabular? This module will help with that. It includes discussion of action-based connectors, Flow, and user data.
- Understand and use action-based connectors.
- Integrate user information and user-profile information into a canvas app.
- Use Power Automate with Power Apps.
- Modul 24Use custom connectors in a Power Apps canvas app
Custom connectors can be used with your canvas app when a built-in connector isn't available. This module focuses on using custom connectors.
- Understand custom connectors and the basics of how to build one.
- Understand the custom connector lifecycle.
- Modul 25Get started with Power Automate
Power Automate is an online workflow service that automates actions across the most common apps and services.
- Create a flow that automatically saves email attachments.
- Learn how to create a button flow to send yourself a reminder.
- Modul 26Build approval flows with Power Automate
Power Automate is an online workflow service that automates actions across the most common apps and services. In this module, you build approval flows to streamline your business, save time, and work more efficiently.
- Create and process approval requests.
- Build a flow that runs at recurring time intervals.
- Create a business process flow with conditions.
- Modul 27Introduction to expressions in Power Automate
Get the most out of your data using functions to create expressions.
- Use one or more functions to create expressions.
- Use functions to retrieve data, change data, evaluate data, and more.
- Modul 28Introduction to Microsoft Power Platform developer resources
The goal of this module is to give a broad-scoped overview of the developer experience as it relates to Microsoft Power Platform. It will cover a high-level introduction how the ecosystem is represented, with the intended audience being a software developer with limited experience in working with Microsoft Power Platform.
- Explain what solution components exist within Microsoft Power Platform.
- Explain key components of Microsoft Dataverse and the Common Data Model.
- Explain what Azure solution elements relate to Microsoft Power Platform.
- Explain what AI Solutions exist as it relates to Microsoft Power Platform.
- Navigate the Developer Guide successfully in support of their Microsoft Power Platform development efforts.
- Modul 29Use developer tools to extend Power Platform
This module will focus on the available developer tools that can help you perform development activities with Microsoft Power Platform.
- Install NuGet packages available for Microsoft Power Platform development
- Work with the Configuration Migration tool
- Work with Package Deployer
- Leverage Solution Packager to isolate features
- Run the Plugin Registration Tool
- Modul 30Introduction to extending Power Platform
This module will focus on the underlying solution architecture from a technical perspective and what extensibility options exist. It will also cover the ever-important element of Microsoft Power Platform development, which is the decision-making process of determining when to use configuration versus code.
- Identify which elements architecturally comprise Microsoft Power Platform.
- Learn about the areas of extensibility that are available to customize Microsoft Power Platform through code.
- Discover different approaches to common business scenarios in respect to achieving extensibility with configuration versus code.
- Modul 31Introduction to Dataverse for developers
The goal of this module is to give an introductory overview of Microsoft Power Platform SDKs that are available from Microsoft via NuGet.
- Explain what functions can be executed against Microsoft Power Platform via Microsoft Power Platform SDKs.
- Perform basic operations against Microsoft Power Platform such as create/read/update/delete operations.
- Modul 32Extend plug-ins in Power Platform
The purpose of this module is to provide an in-depth overview of plug-ins as it relates to Microsoft Power Platform development. This module will review how and when plug-ins are implemented, how they're registered and deployed, and the various configuration options that are available during plug-in registration.
- Learn how to extend plug-ins.
- Modul 33Perform common actions with client script in Power Platform
The goal of this module is to review how to achieve common user experience automation procedures through Client Script. This module is intended to serve as a practical guide for how to solve real-world scenarios that are frequently encountered during Microsoft Power Platform implementations.
- Write client scripts to perform common actions as listed in the module units.
- Modul 34Automate business process flows with client script
This module focuses on educating developers on how to perform common techniques in regard to automating business processes using client scripting, along with explaining the context of when these scenarios might be applied.
- Automate business processes using JavaScript/TypeScript API methods.
- Modul 35Get started with Power Apps component framework
Learn how to get started with Microsoft Power Apps component framework.
- Power Apps component framework architecture
- Power Apps component tooling
- Modul 36Build a Power Apps component
Build a custom Power Apps component, create a code component solution package, and then test and debug a code component.
- Create a custom Power Apps component.
- Create a code component solution package.
- Test and debug a code component.
- Learn key concepts of Dataverse auditing
- Modul 37Use advanced features with Power Apps component framework
Get details on how to address more complex scenarios as it applies to a Power Apps component framework. This module covers how to use client frameworks such as React and Angular within a component, along with how to address scenarios such as file upload, localization, and integration with Microsoft Dataverse Web API.
- Use formatting API in a Power Apps component.
- Use Dataverse web API in a Power Apps component.
- Modul 38Access Dataverse in Power Pages websites
The ability to show and interact with Dataverse data on a website is a central benefit of implementing a Microsoft Power Pages website. This module focuses on the several techniques and methods for displaying and interacting with Dataverse data on Power Pages websites.
- Discover Power Pages components that are available to help you display and interact with Dataverse data on a Power Pages website.
- Identify the various features of the Power Pages components.
- Display a list of data and an associated drill-down list for details.
- Set up a form to access individual table rows.
- Trigger classic Dataverse workflows from the website.
- Modul 39Extend Power Pages websites
The world of business software applications embrace a movement toward building apps that use low-code/no-code methods. This movement is a pillar of Microsoft Power Platform, including Power Pages websites. However, many projects often include functionality or features that can only be addressed with advanced software development techniques. This module explains how you can extend website functionality by using software development and how to use application lifecycle management (ALM) techniques to deploy Power Pages websites.
- Discover where software development can resolve particular website feature requirements.
- Employ application lifecycle management (ALM) for Power Pages websites.
- Apply JavaScript code to website assets.
- Use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to address specific website development requirements.
- Modul 40Build custom Power Pages web templates
This module describes custom web templates and how you can build and set up the templates to extend and enhance a Power Pages website. You can provision a website with a series of prebuilt web templates. As you encounter more complex scenarios, you need to know how to use Liquid template language to create your own web templates that address project requirements.
- Learn about the relationship between web templates, page templates, and webpages.
- Discover how you can build custom web templates by using HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Liquid, and JavaScript.
- Use Liquid template language to build and structure web templates.
- Learn how to embed custom CSS and JavaScript into web templates.
- Learn how to reference other web templates in a web template.
- Modul 41Work with Dataverse Web API
Learn about working with the Dataverse Web API.
- Authorize against Dataverse with OAuth.
- Use OData to query data.
- Modul 42Integrate Dataverse Azure solutions
Gain an in-depth overview of options available within Dataverse to integrate data and events to Azure.
- Publish Dataverse events to Microsoft Azure Service Bus.
- Write a Service Bus Event Listener that consumes Dataverse events.
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