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Microsoft Power Automate RPA Developer

Lær at udvikle RPA (robotic process automation) løsninger i Microsoft Power Automate som automatiserer tidskrævende og manuelle opgaver/processer.



Dette kursus dækker både over design, udvikling, deployment og administration af RPA (robotic process automation) løsninger i Power Automate. Deltageren bliver i stand til at undersøge og indsamle krav til nye løsninger, men også fejlsøge og evaluere eksisterende løsninger.

Som RPA Developer samarbejder du med business stakeholders ifm. at forbedre og automatisere workflows og med administratorer ifm. at deploye løsninger i produktionsmiljøer samt supportere dem.

På kurset får du bl.a. erfaring med automatisering i applikationer og Power Automate flows. Samtidig lærer du om solution components, integration af AI Builder og Azure Cognitive Services i løsninger, samt test af nye løsninger. Endelig erhverver du dig viden om konfiguration, deployment, administration af løsninger, herunder samarbejde og deling af løsninger i organisationen.


Listepris 27.400 DKK
Din pris 26.800 DKK
(Eksl. moms)


  • Modul 1
    Take your first steps with Power Automate for desktop
    • Learn how to get started with the Microsoft Power Automate for desktop console and flow designer. The console helps you create and handle flows, while the flow designer is the development environment of the platform.


      • Explore the console and the flow designer.
      • Learn how to use the core features of the Power Automate for desktop platform.
      • Create and run a flow.
  • Modul 2
    Power Automate for desktop development essentials
    • Learn how Power Automate for desktop handles common development concepts and tasks, such as actions, variables, conditionals, and loops.


      • Create a flow from scratch using the flow designer
      • Learn how to use actions and variables
      • Understand the testing and debugging features of the flow designer
      • Configure the error handling properties of individual actions
      • Comprehend the use of UI elements and images
      • Use subflows to compartmentalize and reuse parts of a flow
  • Modul 3
    Build your first Power Automate for desktop flow
    • Learn the basics of Power Automate for desktop flows. Additionally, learn how to build the first flow to help automate a repetitive task, freeing up time for more important endeavors.


      • Learn how to use Power Automate to create a new desktop flow.
      • Record actions that are performed in a desktop-based application.
      • Perform a test run of the new desktop flow.
  • Modul 4
    Define input and output parameters in Power Automate
    • Varying your input and output parameters allows your outcomes to change, or be variable, for every run of your flow. This module defines input and output parameters for desktop flows, which allows your flows to comprehensively handle tasks and processes with conditional input and output.


      • Create a desktop flow with predefined inputs.
      • Record actions that are performed in the Contoso invoicing desktop application by using your predefined inputs and capturing application data for output.
      • Perform a test run of a new desktop flow with a new set of inputs.
  • Modul 5
    Integrate desktop flows with Outlook connector in Power Automate for desktop
    • A connector is a proxy, or a wrapper around an API, that allows a service to talk to Microsoft Power Automate and other applications. It enables you to take advantage of prebuilt actions and triggers that help build your desktop and cloud flows. For example, connector allows you to complete various actions such as send email, schedule meetings, and add contacts. This module explains how to build on an existing gateway to integrate Microsoft Outlook with a desktop UI flow.


      • Create a new solution to package the complete Contoso invoice processing solution.
      • Create a new cloud flow that initiates the invoicing process through receipt of an email.
      • Integrate a desktop flow into a cloud flow.
      • Test the new cloud flow.
  • Modul 6
    Connect a cloud flow to desktop flows in Power Automate for desktop
    • Implementing business processes or completing everyday tasks often requires you to use multiple systems, data sources, or a combination of desktop applications and cloud services. This module explains how to use gateways to connect desktop flows to other technology and cloud services and use robotic process automation (RPA) to its fullest potential.


      • Learn how to install the Power Automate for desktop application and how to create a desktop and cloud flow.
      • Set up an on-premises data gateway to enable the cloud flow to run the desktop flow on your device.
      • Add the desktop flow to the new cloud flow.
      • Test the new desktop and cloud flows.
  • Modul 7
    Use AI Builder to process invoice forms in Power Automate
    • This module explains how to integrate AI builder into an existing API-based flow to facilitate a robust automated process.


      • Build a new AI model for form processing.
      • Train the new AI model to process Contoso Invoice forms.
      • Integrate the new AI model into an existing cloud flow.
      • Test the updated cloud flow and associated AI Builder-based predictions.
  • Modul 8
    Use the Teams connector in Power Automate
    • With Microsoft Power Automate, you can design an end-to-end robotic process automation (RPA), from automated emails and form processing to approvals and taking actions in desktop applications. Approvals are integral to many company processes, but preparing, requesting, and waiting for an approval can be time-consuming. Instead, you can build the process in Power Automate to reduce the time that you spend on necessary but repetitive tasks. Also, you can request an approval in Microsoft Teams, where you spend the most time collaborating and chatting. This module explains how to integrate Microsoft Teams and Outlook into an existing cloud and desktop flow to build an automated, end-to-end invoice approval process.


      • Integrate a Microsoft Teams-based approval model and the associated conditional logic into an existing cloud flow.
      • Integrate the desktop flow for entering the invoice information into the approval process.
      • Integrate Microsoft Outlook-based approval/rejection notifications into the invoice process.
      • Test the end-to-end invoice processing cloud flow.
  • Modul 9
    Run a Power Automate for desktop flow in unattended mode
    • Some business processes require supervision or input that's impossible or risky to automate. However, you can fully automate other processes that don’t require human oversight or are inconvenient or impractical to constantly monitor. This module demonstrates the solution for these scenarios by explaining how to run your UI and API flows in unattended mode.


      • Run a basic desktop flow in unattended mode.
      • Run a desktop flow and cloud flow scenario in unattended mode.
      • Learn about best practices and setup for unattended desktop flows.
  • Modul 10
    Optimize your business process with process advisor
    • With the process advisor capability in Power Automate, you can record existing business processes and analyze them to increase efficacy by tracking completion times and mapping various actions that are involved. The first step to automating a solution is knowing the process, and process advisor helps simplify that task.


      • Create your first recording.
      • Edit recordings and group actions.
      • Analyze recordings and interpret results.
  • Modul 11
    Handle variables in Power Automate for desktop
    • In flow development, you may need to reuse information in various actions. Variables act like storage bins that save valuable information for later use when a flow is running.


      • Create, edit, and manipulate variables.
      • Examine the variables pane.
      • Become familiar with various variable data types and their properties.
      • Configure input and output variables.
  • Modul 12
    Automate repetitive tasks using loops in Power Automate for desktop
    • Loops are used to automate repetitive tasks by executing a block of actions multiple times.


      • Use simple loops to perform a given number of repetitions and iterate through data
      • Deploy loop conditions in order to repeat actions until a condition is met
      • Iterate through the items of a list using for each loops
      • Explicitly end loops when required
  • Modul 13
    Adjust process behavior using conditional actions with Power Automate for desktop
    • Conditional actions allow you to modify flow actions at runtime, based on information available in the environment.


      • Use "If" conditionals
      • Deploy "Switch" conditionals in order to compare a single variable with multiple possible values
      • Explore additional options when evaluating conditions
      • Provide default and alternative behaviors for flows based on the environment data
  • Modul 14
    Configure flow control in Power Automate for desktop
    • The ability to alter the order in which actions and functions are implemented is called flow control. Power Automate for desktop enables flow control through the flow control actions.


      • Learn how flow control works.
      • Learn how to use the flow control group of actions to direct and manipulate the flow.
  • Modul 15
    Generate Power Automate for desktop flows by recording
    • The recorder can be used to automatically generate blocks of actions, based on the user's interaction with the workstation.


      • Use the recorder to generate actions automating local Windows UI-based tasks
      • Deploy the recorder to automate interactions with a web browser
      • Preview and edit the automatically generated actions during and after the recording
  • Modul 16
    Configure exception and error handling in Power Automate for desktop
    • Exception handling is a mechanism that allows Power Automate for desktop to handle and recover from unexpected circumstances and issues that might occur during a flow run.


      • Configure the exception handling properties of individual actions.
  • Modul 17
    Control file and folder handling in Power Automate for desktop
    • Manipulating files and folders is a fundamental part of most business processes. Power Automate for desktop provides the files and folders actions to help accomplish this task.


      • Learn how to create flows that manage files and folders.
      • Learn how to manage the properties of multiple files and folders.
  • Modul 18
    Web automation in Power Automate for desktop
    • Web applications are critical components of most organizations. Power Automate for desktop supports the automation of all major browsers through its browser automation actions.


      • Learn how to configure browser automation actions.
      • Learn how to extract data from web pages.
      • Create a flow that extracts gainer stocks from the MSN website.
  • Modul 19
    Use Power Automate for desktop to interact with windows and applications
    • UI interfaces and their components are identified through UI elements, which can be captured and used in UI/Windows-related actions.


      • Learn about the concept of UI elements.
      • Discover the window and element-handling capabilities of Power Automate for desktop.
  • Modul 20
    Excel automation in Power Automate for desktop
    • Power Automate for desktop provides an extensive variety of Microsoft Excel actions to help you read and manipulate Excel files.


      • Open Excel files and attach a process to an already opened file.
      • Use the Excel group of actions to read data from and write data to an Excel file.
      • Create and edit worksheets.
      • Save and close Excel files.
  • Modul 21
    Automating email handling in Power Automate for desktop
    • Using email services is common in business procedures and critical for most organizations. Power Automate for desktop provides various actions that enable email handling for webmail services, Microsoft Outlook, and Exchange servers.


      • Become familiar with the email, Outlook, and Exchange actions.
      • Create a flow that retrieves, processes, and sends emails.
  • Modul 22
    Automate system, workstation, and services actions in Power Automate for desktop
    • Power Automate for desktop supports the automation of miscellaneous tasks, which are fundamental to the Microsoft Windows operating system, through the system, workstation, and services actions.


      • Automate system-related tasks with the system and workstation groups of actions.
      • Automate the management of Windows services with the service group of actions.
  • Modul 23
    Communicate using message boxes in Power Automate for desktop flows
    • Message boxes can be used to interact with a user to either request input, or to provide output.


      • Familiarize yourself with the various preset message box actions
  • Modul 24
    Text manipulation in Power Automate for desktop
    • Power Automate for desktop provides actions to help you manipulate text and datetime values. These text and datetime actions help you adopt a standardized data format in your flows.


      • Learn how to use the text group of actions.
      • Create methods that help you process and edit text.
      • Manipulate text type variables for input and output in actions and flows.
  • Modul 25
    Simulate mouse and keyboard actions by using Power Automate for desktop
    • Learn how to create flows that simulate mouse movement and clicks, as well as typing and key presses. This module also describes how to select and locate a specific image or area on the screen with the mouse.


      • Learn how to create a flow that simulates human interaction with a PC
      • Learn how to automate simulated mouse movement and clicks
      • Learn how to select and locate a specific image or area on the screen with the mouse
      • Learn how to emulate typing or key presses
  • Modul 26
    Combine Power Automate desktop and cloud flows
    • This module describes how to combine a Power Automate desktop flow with a Power Automate cloud flow. It demonstrates how to call an existing Power Automate desktop flow from a cloud flow to enhance its functionality and save time when designing large, complex flows.


      • Create a cloud flow in Power Automate that calls a Power Automate desktop flow.
      • Use the values of variables from Power Automate in a Power Automate desktop flow.
      • Use the resulting variables from Power Automate for desktop in Power Automate actions.
  • Modul 27
    Database handling in Power Automate for desktop
    • Databases are vital components of every organization, and efficient data handling is necessary for their effective operation. Power Automate for desktop provides organizations with the ability to automate databases through the database actions.


      • Compose a connection string to connect to a database.
      • Use the appropriate action to run queries on a database.
  • Modul 28
    Active Directory handling in Power Automate for desktop
    • Microsoft Active Directory (AD) is a directory service that enables administrators to manage permissions and access to network resources. Power Automate for desktop provides Active Directory actions to automate all related tasks.


      • Connect to an Active Directory server.
      • Manage users, groups, and objects with Active Directory actions.
  • Modul 29
    Scripting in Power Automate for desktop
    • Power Automate for desktop enables you to automate complex scenarios using scripts in VBScript, JavaScript, PowerShell, and Python.


      • How to use scripting actions.
      • Create two flows using VBScript and JavaScript.
  • Modul 30
    OCR technologies in Power Automate for desktop
    • Power Automate for desktop enables users to read, extract, and manage data within an assortment of files through OCR actions.


      • Configure OCR actions.
      • Create a flow that extracts text from images using OCR technologies.
  • Modul 31
    Get started with custom connectors in Microsoft Power Platform
    • Connectors help make it easier for app and flow makers to connect to other apps, data, and devices in the cloud. Learn how to configure and use custom connectors with Microsoft Power Apps, Microsoft Power Automate, and Microsoft Azure Logic Apps.


      • Learn about the role of custom connectors.
      • Build a connector and use it in a Power Automate flow.
  • Modul 32
    Configure custom connectors with authenticated APIs in Microsoft Power Platform
    • Custom connectors can provide access to custom or third-party APIs that are accessible via public endpoints. In this module, learn how to configure custom connectors with authenticated APIs in Microsoft Power Platform.


      • Learn about authentication options.
      • Learn how to use APIs with Microsoft Entra ID.
      • Use a graph API from a custom connector.
      • Share and move between environments.
  • Modul 33
    Introduction to Microsoft Power Platform security and governance
    • Do you want to learn about how to help secure and govern Microsoft Power Platform apps like Power Automate and Power Apps? This module focuses on introducing Microsoft Power Platform environments and their role in creating Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies by using examples and use cases. A brief introduction and overview of tools will also be discussed, including Microsoft Power Platform and Power Automate Admin experiences and Microsoft Power Platform Center of Excellence (COE) toolkit.


      • Access Microsoft Power Platform admin experiences.
      • Create simple environment and tenant-wide DLP policies.
      • Discover and identify the differences between the Business data group and the No-business data group.
      • Learn about the differences between out-of-the-box Power Automate Admin experiences and Microsoft Power Platform Center of Excellence toolkit.

Jeg kan ikke give andet end 5 stjerner for det hele. Enten er I helt i særklasse, eller også er jeg bare kommet de forkerte kursussteder tidligere. Fantastisk sted og atmosfære.... når først man har lært at finde rundt :-)

— Mikael Ejberg Pedersen

Nok det bedste kursus jeg har været på og den bedste instruktør jeg har haft!! Rigtig god dybde og uddybende forklaringer, og derudover fantastisk mad!!!

— Michael Hasløv
Lån & Spar Bank

Lækker mad, hyggelige lokaler, god struktur og stemning. Kommer igen når jeg kan.

— Ea Stenberg
Oticon A/S

Absolut det bedste kursus jeg har deltaget i!

— Esben Salling
JN Data A/S

Kursusstedet er så indbydende og velkomne, at det har været en fornøjelse at være her. Rent, pænt og fuld af charme. Jeg deltog på et kursus, hvor alle enkelte dele gik op i en højere enhed, som knap kan beskrives.

— Bo Peter Jensen
Kyndryl Danmark ApS

Jeg fik meget ud af kurset, det har åbnet øjnene for muligheder, jeg ikke var klar over eksisterede. Jeg er sikker på det ikke er sidste gang, vi er i kontakt med SuperUsers.

— Christian Larsen
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy A/S

Jeg havde ikke i min vildeste fantasi troet, at et kursussted kunne være så flot. Ved ikke om det er rigtigt, men jeg har en idé om, at omgivelserne smitter af på dem som arbejder her, så alle virker utrolig glade.

Der er en rigtig god stemning. Lige fra hende som sidder i receptionen, til dem som arbejder i køkkenet.

— Jannik Berg Møller
Metro Service

Underviseren har i meget høj grad tilpasset kurset til mit niveau og været fleksibel. Jeg havde meget høje forventninger, og de blev overgået.

Stor præcision, gode øvelser, godt tempo, god stemning og max på læring.

— Luka Dalum

Instruktøren var meget behagelig og øvelserne var enormt gode. Blev virkelig meget klogere omkring emnerne, kurset handlede om.

Derudover virkelig gode, rolige og grønne omgivelser med god forplejning - specielt god mad. Her vil jeg gerne tage mine kurser næste gang igen.

— Arif Mikkelsen Yüce
Københavns Kommune

Det var en ren fornøjelse at være på kursus hos SuperUsers. Den uge vi har været på kursus var pengene værd og gør, at vi nu kan spare mange konsulenttimer. Det er altid rart at have viden in-house.

Der er en afslappende atmosfære i kursuslokalet, skønne omgivelser i selve bygningen samt dygtige instruktører, som gør det rigtig godt.

Jeg kom i gang med at bruge al den viden, jeg sugede til mig på kurset næsten med de samme, og nu er vi i fuld gang med udvikling af vores fremtidige cloud løsning.

Der er ingen tvivl om, hvem skal vi henvende os, hvis der er behov for andre kurser.

— Maksym Bilyk

Det er første gang jeg har været hos SuperUsers. Dette har været en rigtig god oplevelse. Instruktøren virker til at være meget erfaren og kompetent.

Instruktørens stærke tekniske baggrund gør oplevelsen og uddybelsen af spørgsmål til en god oplevelse.

— Thomas Gram
Nic. Christiansen Gruppen A/S

Rigtig fint kurussted i fine omgivelser, som sætter gode omgivelser til fordybning. Instruktøren fremstår velforberedt med stor viden omkring de relevante emner.

Instruktøren udviste også god evne til at svare på eventuelle spørgsmål, som måtte opstå undervejs i forløbet.

— Simon Schmidt Eriksen

Jeg kommer igen næste gang jeg skal på kursus, det er et dejligt sted, fantastisk god mad og instruktøren har stor viden og deler gerne ud af den!

— Jan Christiansen
TV2 Danmark A/S

Den tekniske dybde på kurset var virkelig god, instruktøren havde meget dybere viden, end pensum nødvendigvis kræver.

Man kunne smide diverse curveballs efter instruktøren, og han havde styr på det hele - han gjorde desuden indholdet spændende.

— Nicolai Bæklund
Danish Crown

Så fik vi gennemført kurser i Microsoft 365 for samlet 5 personer her i afdelingen. Alle siger samstemmende, at det har været et fremragende kursus med en dygtig underviser og kommunkator, som kunne drøfte og informere på rette niveau, men samtidig med effektivitet og humor.

Det har været en rigtig god oplevelse.

— Henrik Dyrhøj
Nyborg Kommune

Der er fred og ro på SuperUsers landsted. God atmosfære og forplejning. Der er kigget til et sundhedsaspekt mht til mad og kage så det ikke tager fuldstændig overhånd.

Instruktøren er velvidende på emnerne og perspektivere gerne bredt til andre relevante områder. Det er givende, at dette også er muligt og giver en selv tanker til videre fordybelse.

Derudover var instruktøren engageret og underholdende at have til at præsenterere indhold for sig.

— Kenneth Middelboe Carlson
Svend Hoyer A/S

Det var som altid en go' oplevelse, og man lærer en masse på kort tid af nogle meget dygtige undervisere.

Jeg arbejder i Azure stort set hver dag, og begge kurser har været rigtige gode til at hjælpe mig med at forstå Azure bedre.

— Marthin Lundquist

Instruktøren er meget præsentationsorienteret og inddrager én i undervisningen og materialet. Han er god til at variere undervisningen, så det ikke bliver trivielt.

Det er tydeligt, at instruktøren både har hands-on experience og ikke kun teorien, med mange gode eksempler som refererede til real-world udfordringer, vi måtte opleve.

Gode faciliteter og god forplejning, uden at at man drukner i usunde vaner.

— Kenneth Middelboe Carlson
Svend Hoyer A/S

Very good course, the instructor was the best. I've been here at SuperUsers before, now I'm here again, and hopefully coming back another time.

— Mads From
Sampension Administrationsselskab A/S

Instruktøren virkede meget kompetent og har meget viden om sit fagområde. Han var god til at forklare på en forståelig og humoristisk måde. Derudover var der simple øvelser, som gav god forståelse. 

— Jeppe Hvelplund
Vattenfall Vindkraft A/S

Instruktøren var rigtig god til at gå i dybden, men samtidig være sikker på at folk var med. Virkelig flot sted, lokale og lækker mad.

Der var ingen tvivl om at instruktøren vidste præcis, hvad han snakkede om, og selv de mest simple spørgsmål blev besvaret med glæde, og uden at nogen skulle føle sig dumme.

— Jesper Nederby
Rudersdal Kommune

Dejligt hyggeligt sted, hvor receptionist, køkkenet, undervisere får en til at føle hjemme. Gode rammer skaber god læring. Rigtig god mad, der er med til at give en helhed i oplevelsen af at være på kursus hos SuperUsers.

— Henrik Valentin Eltang

Super tilfreds med stedet og opholdet over i hestestalden. Vil se om jeg ikke kan komme her over igen, til næste kursus jeg skal på. Rigtig flot bygning og fedt at opleve sådan et sted. Kanon sted at holde kursus.

— Mads-Ejnar Kehlet
Herningsholm IT-center

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