Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals
Få det brede overblik over Power Platform services og applikationer, bl.a. Microsoft Automate, Microsoft Dataverse og Power Apps.
Du præsenteres for konkrete anvendelser, fordele og funktionaliteter i værktøjerne. Endelig får du hands-on erfaring med simpel implementering af Power Platform applikationer.
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Describe the Power Platform components: Power Apps, Power BI and Microsoft Automate
- Describe the Power Platform components: Common Data Service, Connectors and AI builder
- Describe cross-cloud scenarios across M365, Dynamics 365, Microsoft Azure and 3rd party services
- Identify benefits and capabilities of Power Platform
- Identify the basic functionality and business value Power Platform components
- Implement simple solutions with Microsoft Automate, Power BI, and Power Apps
- Modul 1Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals
Learn the business value and product capabilities of Microsoft Power Platform. Create simple Power Apps, connect data with Microsoft Dataverse, build a Power BI Dashboard, automate a process with Power Automate, and work with Microsoft Copilot Studio.
- Describe the business value of the Microsoft Power Platform
- Identify foundational components of Microsoft Power Platform
- Describe how to build applications with Microsoft Power Apps
- Describe building automation with Microsoft Power Automate
- Describe the capabilities of Microsoft Power BI
- Demonstrate the capabilities of Microsoft Power Pages
- Describe the AI authoring experience in Power Platform
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