Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator
Lær at designe, implementere og drive organisationens identitets- og adgangsstyringssystemer ved brug af Microsoft Entra ID.
Kurset dækker vigtige opgaver såsom at sikre autentifikation og autorisation til virksomhedsapplikationer, tilbyde strømlinede oplevelser og styringsmuligheder for selvbetjening for alle brugere, samt implementere adaptiv adgang og styring. Deltagerne vil lære at fejlfinde, overvåge og rapportere inden for identitets- og adgangsmiljøet.
Rollen som Identity og Access Administrator kan varetages af en enkelt individ eller som en del af et større team, og samarbejder tæt med mange andre roller i organisationen for at drive strategiske identitetsprojekter, modernisere identitetsløsninger, implementere hybrid identitetsløsninger, og udføre identitetsstyring.
Dette kursus er også nyttigt for administratorer eller teknikere, der ønsker at specialisere sig i at levere identitetsløsninger og adgangsstyringssystemer for Azure-baserede løsninger, der spiller en integreret rolle i beskyttelsen af en organisation.
- Modul 1Explore identity in Microsoft Entra ID
This module covers definitions and available services for identity provided in Microsoft Entra ID and to Microsoft 365. You start with authentication, authorization, and access tokens then build into full identity solutions.
- Define common identity terms and explain how they're used in the Microsoft Cloud
- Explore the common management tools and needs of an identity solution
- Review the goal of Zero Trust and how it's applied in the Microsoft Cloud
- Explore the available identity services in the Microsoft Cloud
- Modul 2Implement an identity management solution
Learn to create and manage your initial Microsoft Entra implementation and configure the users, groups, and external identities you’ll use to run your solution.
- Implement initial configuration of Microsoft Entra ID
- Create, configure, and manage identities
- Implement and manage external identities
- Implement and manage hybrid identity
- Modul 3Implement an Authentication and Access Management solution
Implement and administer your access management using Microsoft Entra ID. Use MFA, Conditional Access, and identity protection to manager your identity solution.
- Secure Microsoft Entra users with multifactor authentication
- Manage user authentication
- Plan, implement, and administer Conditional Access
- Manage Microsoft Entra Identity Protection
- Implement access management for Azure resources
- Deploy and Configure Microsoft Entra Global Secure Access
- Modul 4Implement Access Management for Apps
Explore how applications can and should be added to your identity and access solution with application registration in Microsoft Entra ID.
- Plan and design the integration of enterprise apps for SSO
- Implement and monitor the integration of enterprise apps for SSO
- Implement app registration
- Register apps using Microsoft Entra ID
- Modul 5Plan and implement an identity governance strategy
Design and implement identity governance for your identity solution using entitlement, access reviews, privileged access, and monitoring your Microsoft Entra ID.
- Plan and implement entitlement management
- Plan, implement, and manage access review
- Plan and implement privileged access
- Monitor and maintain Microsoft Entra ID
- Explore the many features of Microsoft Entra Permissions Management
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