Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals
På kurset præsenteres overordnet for koncepter og muligheder i Microsoft identity and access management solutions, Microsoft security solutions samt compliance management muligheder i Microsoft produktporteføljen.
Du lærer om sikkerhedstilbud fra Microsoft, der er relevante for din virksomhed eller organisation, og du bliver i stand til at beskrive og forstå sikkerhedsrelaterede værktøjer og funktioner i Azure og Microsoft 365.
Kurset favner bredt og henvender både til kursisten, som blot ønsker det overordnede overblik, men også til kursisten, der efterfølgende skal overbygge med et dybdegående og mere specialiseret kursus.
- Modul 1Describe the concepts of security, compliance, and identity
Learn about core concepts that are foundational to security, compliance, and identity solutions, including shared responsibility, Zero Trust, data residency, the role of identity providers, and more.
- Describe security and compliance concepts
- Describe identity concepts
- Modul 2Describe the capabilities of Microsoft Entra
Microsoft Entra ID is Microsoft's cloud-based identity and access management solution. Learn about Microsoft Entra services and identity principals, secure authentication, access management capabilities, as well as identity protection and governance.
- Describe the function and identity types of Microsoft Entra ID
- Describe the authentication capabilities of Microsoft Entra ID
- Describe access management capabilities of Microsoft Entra ID
- Describe the identity protection and governance capabilities of Microsoft Entra
- Modul 3Describe the capabilities of Microsoft security solutions
Learn about security capabilities in Microsoft. Topics covered will include network and platform capabilities of Azure, Azure security management, and Sentinel. You’ll learn about threat protection with Microsoft Defender XDR and Microsoft 365 security management.
- Describe core infrastructure security services in Azure
- Describe the security management capabilities in Azure
- Describe security capabilities of Microsoft Sentinel
- Describe threat protection with Microsoft Defender XDR
- Modul 4Describe the capabilities of Microsoft compliance solutions
Learn about compliance solutions in Microsoft. Topics covered will include the Microsoft Purview compliance portal, Information protection and governance in Microsoft 365, Insider Risk, audit, and eDiscovery solutions. Also covered are Azure resources governance capabilities.
- Describe Microsoft’s Service Trust portal and privacy capabilities
- Describe the compliance management capabilities in Microsoft Purview
- Describe information protection, data lifecycle management, and data governance capabilities in Microsoft Purview
- Describe the insider risk capabilities in Microsoft Purview
- Describe the eDiscovery and Audit capabilities in Microsoft Purview
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