Exchange Server Videregående
Kurset er en naturlig fortsættelse af SU-520 Exchange Server Grundkursus.
På kurset dykker du ned i mere avancerede emner, og du får en omfattende forståelse af deployment, administration og vedligeholdelse af Exchange Server miljøer.
Du får solid ekspertise i at håndtere sikkerhed, overvågning og troubleshooting. Vi ser på adminustration af high avaliablility, konfiguration af antivirus, antispam og malware protection, implementering og administration af Exchange Online deployments og meget mere.
Kurset er en god kombination af teori og praktisk hands-on og tager dig skridtet videre inden for Exchange Server administration.
- Modul 1Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server
Overview of Exchange Server
Requirements and deployment options for Exchange Server
- Modul 2Managing high availability in Exchange Server
High availability on Exchange Server
Configuring highly available mailbox databases
Configuring high availability of Client Access services
- Modul 3Configuring antivirus, antispam, and malware protection
Deploying and managing an Edge Transport server for message security
Implementing an antivirus solution for Exchange Server
Implementing an antispam solution for Exchange Server
- Modul 4Implementing and managing Microsoft Exchange Online deployments
Overview of Exchange Online and Office 365
Managing Exchange Online
Implementing the migration to Exchange Online
- Modul 5Monitoring and troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server
Monitoring Exchange Server
Troubleshooting Exchange Server
- Modul 6Securing and maintaining Exchange Server
Securing Exchange Server with role-based access control (RBAC)
Configuring audit logging on Exchange Server
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