PowerShell Grundkursus
- Hvad er PowerShell, hvad kan jeg bruge det til, og hvordan kommer jeg i gang?
- Hvad er forskellen på Windows PowerShell og PowerShell 7?
- Hvilke cmdlets og moduler skal jeg anvende og hvordan?
Disse spørgsmål og meget mere får du svaret på i dette introduktionskursus til PowerShell.
Kurset er begrebsfokuseret med vægten lagt på syntaksen og tankegangen i PowerShell, og via konkrete kodeeksempler demonstrerer vi teorien. Hvert modul har tilhørende opgaver, så du får hands-on erfaring og prøver de ting af, du har lært.
Vi anvender konsollen til ad hoc scripting og ISE/Visual Studio Code som editor til længere scripts. Desuden arbejder vi med variable og funktioner og ser, hvordan man kan lave sit eget modul.
Alle kan google, men hvis du virkelig vil mestre PowerShell, skal du lære at læse og navigere i det indbyggede hjælpesystem og få en forståelse af, at alt i PowerShell er objekter.
Alle Microsoft platforme kan i korte træk styres og administreres i Windows PowerShell. Derfor er scriptsproget bredt anvendt både inden for Azure og on-premise løsninger. På kurset får du styr på hvordan du bruger de forskellige cmdlets og kobler dem sammen i en pipeline til at hente informationer om f.eks. brugere i AD'et, windows system information eller konfigurere en ny server.
Vi anbefaler, at man fortsætter med det videregående PowerShell kursus i samme uge, som ligger i direkte forlængelse af dette kursus.
- Modul 1Getting started with Windows PowerShell
This module will introduce you to Windows PowerShell and provide an overview of the product’s functionality. The module explains how to open and configure Windows PowerShell. It also explains how to run commands and use the built-in Help system in Windows PowerShell.
- Windows PowerShell overview
- Understan Windows PowerShell command syntax
- Find commands and get help in Windows PowerShell
Lab : Configuring Windows PowerShell, and finding and running commands
- Configuring the Windows PowerShell console application
- Configuring the Windows PowerShell ISE application
- Finding and running Windows PowerShell commands
- Using About files
- Modul 2Windows PowerShell for local systems administration
This module introduces you to the different types of cmdlets commonly used for system administration. While you can search for cmdlets each time you need to accomplish a task, it is more efficient to have at least a basic understanding of these cmdlets. This module also explains how to manage Windows by using PowerShell.
- Active Directory Domain Services administration cmdlets
- Network configuration cmdlets
- Server administration cmdlets
- Windows PowerShell in Windows
Lab : Performing local system administration with PowerShell
- Creating and managing Active Directory objects
- Configuring network settings on Windows Server
- Creating a website
- Modul 3Working with the Windows PowerShell pipeline
This module introduces the pipeline feature of Windows PowerShell. The pipeline feature is included in several command-line shells such as the command prompt in the Windows operating system. However, the pipeline feature in Windows PowerShell provides more complex, flexible, and capable functionalities compared to other shells. This module provides you with the skills and knowledge that will help you use Windows PowerShell more effectively and efficiently.
- Understand the pipeline
- Select, sort, and measure objects
- Filter objects out of the pipeline
- Enumerate objects in the pipeline
- Send and pass pipeline data as output
Lab : Using PowerShell pipeline
- Selecting, sorting, and displaying data
- Filtering objects
- Enumerating objects
- Converting objects
- Modul 4Working with variables, arrays, and hash tables
Variables are an essential component of scripts. You can use variables to accomplish complex tasks that you can't complete by using a single command. This module explains how to work with variables, arrays, and hash tables as steps in learning how to create Windows PowerShell scripts.
- Use variables
- Manipulate variables
- Manipulate arrays and hash tables
Lab : Using variables, arrays, and hash tables in PowerShell
- Working with variable types
- Using arrays
- Using hash tables
- Modul 5Windows PowerShell scripting
This module explains how to package a Windows PowerShell command in a script. Scripts allow you to perform repetitive tasks and more complex tasks than cannot be accomplished in a single command.
- Introduction to scripting with Windows PowerShell
- Script constructs
- Import data from files
- Accept user input
- Troubleshooting and error handling
- Functions and modules
Lab : Using scripts with PowerShell
- Signing a script
- Processing an array with a ForEach loop
- Processing items by using If statements
- Creating users based on a CSV file
- Querying disk information from remote computers
- Updating the script to use alternate credentials
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