PowerShell Videregående
Dette kursus er en naturlig fortsættelse til SU-530 Powershell Grundkursus.
Deltagelse på kurset forudsætter, at du har grundlæggende viden om cmdlets, objekter, pipelinesyntaksen og PowerShell hjælpesystemet.
Alle Microsoft platforme kan i korte træk styres og administreres i Windows PowerShell. Derfor er scriptsproget bredt anvendt både inden for Azure og on-premise.
På kurset går vi i dybden med PSDrives, der anvendes mange steder til at udstille objekter, som man nemt kan navigere i. On-premise giver det f.eks. adgang til Windows Registry og IIS - i skyen findes alle Azure ressourcer i et PSDrive.
Du introduceres derudover til PowerShells CIM cmdlets, som er en erstatning af de gamle WMI-forespørgsler og er nyttige til at indhente systeminformation og konfigurere indstillinger, som ikke er tilgængelige direkte via PowerShell.
Vi bruger også meget tid på Remoting, som er en helt central del af PowerShell til fjernadministration af servere og desktop maskiner. Windows PowerShell anvender winRM, imens PowerShell 7 også tilbyder SSH. Længerevarende scripts kan køres ad hoc som et job, eller de kan knyttes til et baggrundsjob og eksekveres efter en fast tidsplan f.eks. hver nat.
Vi øver os i at oprette og administrere af ressourcer, f.eks. en virtuel maskine i Azure der elegant oprettes via Az-modulet til PowerShell i cloud shell. Azure AD brugere og grupper er helt centrale for alle Microsoft 365 tjenesterne såsom Teams, SharePoint og Exchange. Microsoft Graph modulet tilbyder en del cmdlets, men man kan stadig have brug for funktionalitet fra de gamle moduler.
Hvert modul har lab med øvelser, så du løbende får en hands-on oplevelse og anvender den forståelse og viden om PowerShell, du erhverver dig på kurset.
- Modul 1Using PSProviders and PSDrives
This module introduces the PSProviders and PSDrives adapters. A PSProvider is basically a Windows PowerShell adapter makes some form of storage resemble a hard drive. A PSDrive is an actual connection to a form of storage. You can use these two technologies to work with various forms of storage by using the same commands and techniques that you use to manage the file system.
- Using PSProviders
- Using PSDrives
Lab : Using PSProviders and PSDrives with PowerShell
- Creating files and folders on a remote computer
- Creating a registry key for your future scripts
- Create a new Active Directory group
- Modul 2Querying management information by using CIM and WMI
This module introduces you to two parallel technologies: Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Common Information Model (CIM). Both these technologies provide local and remote access to a repository of management information including access to robust information available from the operating system, computer hardware, and installed software.
- Understand CIM and WMI
- Query data by using CIM and WMI
- Make changes by using CIM and WMI
Lab : Querying information by using WMI and CIM
- Querying information by using WMI
- Querying information by using CIM
- Invoking methods
- Modul 3Administering remote computers with Windows PowerShell
This module introduces you to the Windows PowerShell remoting technology that enables you to connect to one or more remote computers and instruct them to run commands on your behalf.
- Use basic Windows PowerShell remoting
- Use advanced Windows PowerShell remoting techniques
- Use PSSessions
Lab : Performing remote administration with PowerShell
- Enabling remoting on the local computer
- Performing one-to-one remoting
- Performing one-to-many remoting
- Using implicit remoting
- Modul 4Managing Azure resources with PowerShell
This module provides information about installing the necessary modules for cloud services management. It explains how to use PowerShell commands to perform some simple administrative tasks on cloud resources such as Azure virtual machines (VMs), Azure storage accounts, and Azure subscriptions. This module also describes how to use the Azure Cloud Shell environment to perform PowerShell-based or Bash-based administration directly from the Azure portal.
- Azure PowerShell
- Introduce Azure Cloud Shell
- Manage Azure VMs with PowerShell
- Manage storage and subscriptions
Lab : Azure resource management with PowerShell
- Activating the Azure subscription and installing the PowerShell Az module
- Using Azure Cloud Shell
- Managing Azure resources with Azure PowerShell
- Modul 5Managing Microsoft 365 services with PowerShell
This module describes how to use PowerShell to manage Microsoft 365 user accounts, licenses, and groups, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Microsoft Teams.
- Manage Microsoft 365 user accounts, licenses, and groups with PowerShell
- Manage Exchange Online with PowerShell
- Manage SharePoint Online with PowerShell
- Manage Microsoft Teams with PowerShell
Lab : Managing Microsoft 365 with PowerShell
- Managing users and groups in Azure AD
- Managing Exchange Online
- Managing SharePoint
- Managing Microsoft Teams
- Modul 6Using background jobs and scheduled jobs
This module describes how to use background jobs and scheduled jobs. It also explains how to create scheduled jobs and retrieve job results.
- Use background jobs
- Use scheduled jobs
Lab : Jobs management with PowerShell
- Starting and managing jobs
- Creating a scheduled job
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