SuperUsers billede

Microsoft Power Platform Solution Architect

Microsoft Power Platform solution architects lead successful implementations and focus on how solutions address the broader business and technical needs of organizations.

A solution architect has functional and technical knowledge of the Power Platform, Dynamics 365 customer engagement apps, related Microsoft cloud solutions, and other third-party technologies. A solution architect applies knowledge and experience throughout an engagement. The solution architect performs proactive and preventative work to increase the value of the customer’s investment and promote organizational health. This role requires the ability to identify opportunities to solve business problems.

Solution architects have experience across functional and technical disciplines of the Power Platform. Solution architects should be able to facilitate design decisions across development, configuration, integration, infrastructure, security, availability, storage, and change management. This role balances a project's business needs while meeting functional and non-functional requirements.

This exam measures your knowledge and ability to:

  • Perform solution envisioning and requirement analyses
  • Architect a solution
  • Implement the solution

Exam producent

Pearson VUE

Tilhørende kursus

  • PL-600 Power Platform Solution Architect (4 dage)
    • På dette avancerede kursus lærer du at påtage dig rollen som Power Platform løsningsarkitekt, hvor du designer, implementerer og deployer komplette løsninger i Power Platform.


Listepris 50.700 DKK
Din pris 48.800 DKK
(Eksl. moms)
SuperUsers billede

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Microsoft Power Platform Solution Architect
1.800 DKK
(ekskl. moms)
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